CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS VA Marketing and Advertising Services Request for Proposals Office of Purchasing 91501, 91503, 91807, 91876, 96153 Project ID:  23-3739-3625

virginia outdoors

Due Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023 5:00pm

1.1. Summary

The City of Newport News (the “City”) is seeking proposals from qualified firms (the “Offeror” or “Contractor”) to furnish the goods and/or services described herein and proposals will be received via the City’s e-Procurement Portal, OpenGov Procurement (

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified firms to provide the Newport News Economic/Industrial Development Authority (“EDA”) with a variety of marketing and advertising services to promote the City of Newport News, Virginia as a prime location for starting, relocating, and expanding a business and experiencing an enjoyable and affordable community and quality of life.

4. Scope of Work

4.1. Purpose

The Newport News Economic/Industrial Development Authority (“EDA”) is seeking a firm to provide a variety of marketing and advertising services to promote the City of Newport News as a prime location for business. The successful firm will work under the general direction of the EDA’s Marketing Committee and specific direction of the Department of Development (“Development”) staff, who serve as support staff for the EDA and the Marketing Committee.

4.2. Objective

The EDA seeks to contract with a vendor to develop and implement comprehensive marketing strategies and messaging to promote the City of Newport News, Virginia as an ideal location for business. This includes:

  • Proactively maintaining the newly-redesigned EDA website, as well as the EDA’s social media outlets.
  • Designing and producing the EDA’s Annual Report
  • Assisting Development staff with the creation of a marketing plan (as requested) to guide the EDA’s marketing efforts
  • Actively collaborating with Tourism and Communications (via Development staff) for opportunities to promote the City
  • Evaluating media vendors to determine and recommend appropriate avenues to further the EDA’s messaging
  • The purpose of the contract is to increase business engagement, stimulate economic development, and contribute to the growth and development of a thriving business community.

4.3. Scope of Work

Contractor shall provide the following services:

  • Continue to work with the “Built on Breakthroughs” brand when working in the areas of creative development and production.
  • Proactively identify new ideas for marketing opportunities.
  • Serve as primary marketing and advertising contact with media sources such as newspapers, magazines, trade journals, broadcast entities, and other media outlets, as directed by staff.
  • Copywriting and creative design for ads, articles, advertorials, social media, and other communications.
  • Design, development, and production services for the EDA Annual Report.
  • Website design, proactive enhancement, and maintenance.
  • Social media content development and programming, including any content provided by Development staff.
  • Obtaining and/or selecting photographs to be used in promotional materials and activities.
  • Creation and development of formats for e-communications and interactive initiatives, including websites, in which content could be updated by Development staff as needed without the need for additional vendor services.
  • Collaboration with Tourism and Communications (via Development staff) for opportunities to promote the City.
  • Assistance in identifying and obtaining promotional products to be used as giveaways and leave-behinds.
  • Active representation of the EDA.
  • Attendance at monthly Marketing Committee meetings. (Note: The Contractor is not a Marketing Committee member).
  • Attendance at EDA special events (as requested).
  • Meet with Development staff as needed to discuss efforts.
  • In addition, the successful firm may be asked to provide additional services not listed above, as they relate to marketing and advertising. Areas such as public relations and community event sponsorship advertising will continue to be handled by the EDA and Development staff, although assistance may be sought from the partner for special events.

The EDA shall retain ownership of all creative content produced or created as a part of this contract.

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