City of Quesnel Issues Marketing RFP

City of Quesnel Issues Marketing RFP

City of Quesnel Issues Marketing RFP

The City of Quesnel invites quotes from qualified firms to provide marketing consultancy services. The City of Quesnel has a high level marketing strategy, a recently developed brand strategy and has identified key messaging and target audiences. The City requires expert advice in determining best value marketing tactics, and performance measures for marketing initiatives.


The City of Quesnel developed a marketing strategy in 2015. When this plan was presented to the business community, we heard clearly, we need to do a better job of telling telling our story. To that end, the City completed a rebranding project in 2016 and has been implementing that brand across City platforms throughout 2017 and 2018. The annual marketing budget for the City of Quesnel is approximately $30,000, with $20,000 for print and online marketing and $10,000 for trade show attendance. Occasional grant-funded projects will also have a marketing component.

In 2018, the City of Quesnel was successful in obtaining a grant which will provide an additional $100,000 marketing budget to help attract visitors, new residents, and investment to Quesnel. This grant also provides $25,000 for consultancy services to provide advice on the best value marketing tactics that can be implemented for this budget. In recommending tactics, it is important that staff capacity is considered in terms of ability to measure return on investment.

Scope of Work:

It is expected the selected proponent will spend some time reviewing the City of Quesnel’s brand strategy, brand guidelines, and current marketing tactics in order to provide:

  • A detailed list of recommendations on specific new marketing tactics to implement within the given budget and recommendations on any current marketing tactics which should be discontinued in favour of new recommendations
  • Recommendations on how to efficiently measure ROI for marketing tactics
  • Recommendations on new collateral that should be developed to promote Quesnel and venues for distribution.

Over the term of the contract, the City of Quesnel may occasionally require advice on marketing content.

Due Date:

July 5th, 2018


Firms to be considered should include Alison Brod PR and APCO Worldwide.

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