Communications RFP Issued By Kansas State University  (KSU)  –

KC PR - Kansas City PR

Kansas  State University  (“University”)  is  soliciting  proposals  in  response  to  this  Request  for  Proposal  RFP  No. 41529  (“this  RFP”)  from  qualified  vendors  to  provide  for  the  design  and conduct  of  quantitative  and qualitative research  on our  brand  messaging efficacy  across  our  four  campuses  (Manhattan,  Salina,  Olathe  and Online) and  future  student  audiences  (traditional  undergraduate students,  adult/continuing  education  students  and graduate  students).


Kansas  State  University  was  founded  in  1863 as  the country’s  first  operational  land-grant  university.  The university  has  physical  campuses  in Manhattan,  Salina and Olathe,  and offers  a  Global  Campus,  which administers  K-State’s  online programs.  The  university  boasts  an  enrollment  of  approximately  21,000 students, drawing  from  all  50  states  and  approximately  100  countries.  K-State,  with  an  annual  budget  of  more  than  $900 million,  has  nine colleges  —  Agriculture;  Architecture,  Planning  &  Design;  Arts  and Sciences;  Business Administration;  Education;  Engineering;  Health  and  Human  Sciences;  Technology  and  Aviation;  and  Veterinary Medicine  —  and  a  Graduate  School.  K-State  and  offers  more  than  400  degrees  and  options,  including  bachelor’s, master’s,  doctorates  and  certificates. K-State’s  main  Manhattan campus  covers  more  than 2,320  acres,  including research  and  agricultural  facilities, and  is  known  as  the  “Silicon Valley  for  biodefense”  because  of  its  leadership  in  food  safety  and  security  and agro-defense.  The  Salina Aerospace  and  Technology  Campus  is  known  for  its  educational  focus  on  experiential learning,  professional  pilot  program  and  renowned unmanned  aircraft  systems  programs.  K-State Olathe serves the industry  and workforce needs  of  Greater  Kansas  City. Global  Campus  administers  100-plus  online programs as  well  as  professional  development  workshops  and enrichment  programs.  K-State  Research and  Extension has a presence  in every  county  throughout  Kansas  and supports  research in  more  than  20 K-State departments.

Scope of Work

Kansas  State University  seeks  a  partner  to  design and conduct  quantitative and  qualitative research on our brand  messaging  efficacy  across  our  four  campuses  (Manhattan,  Salina,  Olathe and  Online)  and  future student  audiences  (traditional  undergraduate  students,  adult/continuing  education students  and  graduate students

Following  a year  of  extensive internal  and external  market  research  and campaign  development,  Kansas State University  launched a new  brand  campaign  in August  2020.  Notably,  the bulk  of  the  brand  campaign development  research was  conducted before  the  COVID-19  pandemic  swept  the  globe,  and  the  campaign was  launched while the  university  was  operating  remotely.  Given this,  internal  support  for  the campaign has  been  met  with some  skepticism  despite  a  measurable increase  in  traffic  to university  websites  from 2020 to  2021.  Additionally,  the university’s  main campus  in  Manhattan still  struggles  to  regain  market  share in undergraduate enrollment,  particularly  within the state  of  Kansas. For  these  reasons,  we are seeking  a  partner  to  design and  conduct  market  research on  our  brand messaging  efficacy  among  future  student  audiences.  We  are looking  for  insights  that  are  applicable across the institutional  brand,  as  well  as  insights  that  can  be disaggregated  by  campus/future  student  type  with budgetary  priority  placed on  the  traditional  undergraduate  student  market  (ages  16-18).  Insights  will inform  how  we modify  messaging within the brand campaign  to  maintain  and/or  increase  brand  efficacy and resonance.    


Each proposal  must  be  submitted  via  the Vendor  Bid  Submission  Secure File Upload portal,,  prior  to  2 p.m.  CT  on  the closing  date.

Closing Date 02/23/2022,  2:00 P.M.  C.T.

Kansas State  University  Purchasing  Office RE:  #  [41529]      

2323  Anderson,  Suite 500     

Manhattan,  KS  66502

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