The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Communications and Outreach Services (Services) for the Transbay Program (Program) from firms (Respondents) specializing in communications strategies and outreach, including highlevel messaging, branding, community outreach, website development and maintenance and effective and innovative social media campaigns. There is no current incumbent for these services. The TJPA plans to enter into a single contract for the Services described in Section 3.0, Scope of Services.
In April 2001, the City and County of San Francisco (City), the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), and the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) executed a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement under California law creating the TJPA. The Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement was amended in November 2017 to include the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) The purpose of the TJPA is to design, build, develop, operate, and maintain a new transportation terminal and associated facilities in San Francisco, known as the Transbay Program. The TJPA has been granted primary jurisdiction with respect to all matters pertaining to the financing, design, development, construction, and operation of the Transbay Program. The member agencies of the TJPA have granted to the TJPA most of their jointly held powers, including the authority to buy and sell property, enter into contracts, and accept and spend grants of cash and property. The TJPA’s management functions include contract oversight, policy direction, financing, and investment supervision. The TJPA coordinates and collaborates with, among others, the following governmental entities: U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and its operating administrations—Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans); the California High-Speed Rail Authority; the City; AC Transit; PCJPB; San Mateo County Transit District; and Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District. The TJPA Board of Directors is composed of directors appointed by each of the following agencies:
· Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
· City and County of San Francisco, Board of Supervisors (2)
· City and County of San Francisco, Mayor’s Office
· Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
· San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency
· California High-Speed Rail Authority
· California Department of Transportation, Ex Officio (non-voting)
Mr. Mark Zabaneh is the TJPA’s Executive Director.
Scope of Work:
The Program is a major infrastructure investment that replaced the former Transbay Terminal at First and Mission streets in San Francisco with a modern regional transit station that connects the Bay Area and ultimately the State of California through eleven transit systems: AC Transit, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), Caltrain, Golden Gate Transit, Greyhound, Muni (San Francisco municipal bus lines), SamTrans (San Mateo County Transit), WestCAT (Western Contra Costa Transit) Lynx, Amtrak, Paratransit, and high-speed rail from San Francisco to Southern California. The Program is being constructed in two phases. Phase 1, which has been delivered, includes design and construction of the above-grade portion of the transit center, including a 5.4-acre rooftop park, retail areas, and a public art program; the core and shell of the two below-grade levels of the train station; a new bus ramp; a bus storage facility; and a temporary bus terminal, now closed. The transit center is now open to the public, and bus services have commenced operations. The Downtown Rail Extension (DTX) tunnel, the build-out of the below-grade train station at the transit center, a new underground station, a pedestrian tunnel connecting the transit center with the Embarcadero BART/Muni Metro station, and an intercity bus facility are planned as Phase 2 of the Program. Phase 2 is currently in the planning and preliminary engineering phases. The TJPA’s website at www.tjpa.org contains further information about the Program.
The selected Respondent will report to TJPA staff, and other consultants to provide the Services. The Services shall include developing and implementing a comprehensive communications and outreach strategy for the Program, including: 1) developing and maintaining an outreach strategy for operations of Salesforce Transit Center (transit center), with detailed strategies for community and press outreach that includes website updates, press releases, media opportunities, e-newsletters, social media strategies and content, and graphic design, as needed, to highlight transit and other uses of the transit center, including updated information about retail opportunities; 2) develop a branded program identity for Phase 2 of the Transbay Program in order to educate the region about the benefits of Phase 2, gain public support, and increase overall visibility for Phase 2. Work scope includes stakeholder research, development of highlevel messaging, logo design and development; design, development and implementation of a public-facing website; press releases, media opportunities, e-newsletters, social media strategies and content and consistent positive media coverage through print, television, radio, and social media, and 3) providing support and advice to the TJPA Board and staff. There is potential for ongoing work to maintain a robust community outreach program to keep neighbors and stakeholders informed during operations and throughout ongoing Phase 2 activities. As a public agency, the TJPA is seeking a consultant that can provide the services efficiently in a costeffective manner and maintain an agency image of cost-consciousness.
3.1 General Communications Needs
A. Message – Develop and maintain a consistent and positive impression at the local, state, national, and international level of the overall Program in order to gain public support for the Program, including the current operations, the downtown rail extension, and all other elements of Phase 2. Conduct stakeholder research and develop high-level messaging and communicate consistently and positively the:
· Status of Program activities and transit center operations
· Amenities available to the surrounding neighborhood and general public
· Value and importance of the entire Program
· Value of the transportation components of the Program
· The role of the Program as a national and international model for transitoriented development
· Phase 2 funding plan and progress towards full funding
B. Product/Delivery and Implementation
· Annual outreach plan for targeted audiences
· Appropriate collateral material
· On-going media and public information campaign
· Highly designed website to be easily updated by TJPA staff
· Continued expansion of social media outreach, including incorporating new platforms as needed
· Support for TJPA Board and staff in media and public forums
3.2 Communications Support
Under direction of the Chief of Staff, the consultant shall be responsible for implementing a comprehensive communications and outreach program/plan that builds on the TJPA’s efforts to date and will serve as a resource on media issues. The consultant shall work in tandem with other TJPA staff and consultants to achieve the objectives outlined below. The consultant shall be proactive in efforts to secure positive media coverage and shall be responsive to TJPA staff at all times. Specifically:
· Implement comprehensive communications program/plan for the Program through use of established methods, effective tools, and available resources. The program/plan shall communicate effectively with identified target audiences. Under the program/plan, the following ongoing areas should continue to be addressed:
o Maintain consistent TJPA identity, image, and message to ensure positive coverage and support. The TJPA seeks a consistent and common public identity that the public, media, and decision makers can easily associate with the Program and TJPA Board and staff.
o Marketing strategies to disseminate the message.
o Maintain and enhance the Program’s visibility in the community, including maintaining outreach lists for distribution of various materials.
o Long term outreach strategy for transit center operations and ongoing Phase 2 activities
· Develop press pipeline for outreach and any media events. Secure editorial and news coverage with local/regional/national/international/cable television, radio, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, internet, digital media, etc.
· Develop and implement expansion of innovative social media program to increase reach and incorporate new technologies on an ongoing basis.
· Develop supporting materials (press releases, brochures, presentations, fact sheets, media, public service announcements, as needed etc.), finding means for translation to other languages as appropriate. Collateral materials should be simply written, cost-effective, easy to print or produce, and appropriate for each audience. Consultant will be responsible for production oversight and quality.
· Provide ongoing strategy support and ongoing media support, including mediarelated event support.
3.3 Community Outreach Services
· As requested by the TJPA, work with TJPA staff to inform public of Program/project progress, proactively reaching out to neighbors, community leaders, and interest groups.
· Provide monthly reports on the status of outreach efforts to TJPA and program management team to be used to refine outreach efforts and program level planning.
· Use cost-effective communication tactics appropriate for nature of information to be distributed.
· Participate in discerning and summarizing key public issues and concerns, and develop appropriate outreach plans to address.
· Participate in keeping the TJPA websites and social media platforms fresh in content and style as requested.
3.4 Other Related Support and Services (Includes Branding)
· Develop a plan for re-branding of the Program with a focus on Phase 2 with updated graphics and messaging based on economic benefits for the region, state and nation.
· Develop an external outreach plan to engage with key external stakeholders, advocacy groups, and the public at large.
· Implementation of additional communications and community outreach projects as mutually agreed. This may include ongoing community and communications services during transit center operations and ongoing Phase 2 activities. Consultant should recommend and define additional or alternative tasks not identified in this RFP if consultant feels they are necessary or would enhance the scope of work.
· Proactively bring suggestions to TJPA staff as to how to continuously maintain public interest and support of the overall Program, especially Phase 2 and TJPA, including local, state, and federal political support.
· Provide regular briefings to TJPA staff, attend TJPA meetings as required, and submit written monthly progress reports.
3.5 Website Update and Expansion
· Update and expand the TJPA website (www.tjpa.org) by assessing current TJPA website and convening with TJPA to discuss recommended options for a content management system that staff can update
§ Software and plugins
§ Embedded Videos
§ Redesign of home page to allow for posting of additional information
§ Upgrades will allow for mobile device accessibility including video
§ Review of RSS feeds and ability to change feeds as needed
§ Provide staff training and user manuals explaining the ongoing maintenance needs of the site.
§ Instructions outlining necessary steps to make edits and additions to all components of the website
§ Overview of ongoing software and plug-in updates
§ Provide support for both TJPA websites (www.tjpa.org and www.salesforcetransitcenter.com) as necessary
The Consultant shall provide the Services by personnel listed in its Proposal. Any changes in personnel will be subject to the TJPA’s prior review and approval. The TJPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change this Scope of Services at any time during the term of the Agreement. The Consultant shall be paid for any work that meets the requirements of the Agreement and that is performed prior to the date of such change.
Due Date:
September 1, 2020 by 2 p.m.
Transbay Joint Powers Authority 425 Mission Street Suite 250 San Francisco, CA 94105 Email: RFP@tjpa.org
Agencies to consider include Small Girls pr and Magrino PR.