This RFP is located at the Department of Enterprise Services, Washington Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) procurement website at https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/webs/.
PROJECT TITLE: Outreach and Communications for Career Connected Learning Directory
PROPOSAL DUE DATE: Thursday, June 23, 2022 – 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Olympia, Washington, USA
Only E-mailed bids will be accepted.
ESTIMATED TIME PERIOD FOR CONTRACT: July 20, 2022 – June 30, 2023. The Agency reserves the right to extend the contract for up to two additional one-year periods at the sole discretion of the Agency.
BIDDER ELIGIBILITY: This procurement is open to those Bidders that satisfy the minimum qualifications stated herein and that are available for work in Washington State.
The Washington Student Achievement Council, hereafter called “AGENCY,” is initiating this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from bidders skilled in outreach and communications using digital marketing. Bidder will work with Career Connect Washington (CCW) to reach its comprehensive goals of increasing awareness of and enrollment in career connected learning programs by developing a strategic communication and outreach plan of action. CCW is seeking a bidder to help it prioritize the expenditure of outreach funds to accomplish the goals listed below as well as support current CCW outreach efforts and execute relevant outreach tactics.
AGENCY is managing the contractual agreement with bidder on behalf of and in concert with CCW.
AGENCY intends to award one contract to provide the services described in this RFP.
Career Connect Washington Organizational Information & Vision
CCW is a coalition of industry, labor, education, and community leaders who are creating work-based and academic programs for young people to explore, learn, and earn money and college-level credit.
CCW believes there are many pathways to economic success and life fulfillment. Every day, CCW bridges the gap between employers and educators by providing the connection, funding, and support they need to deliver high quality academic and work-based experiences for Washington students, especially those furthest from opportunity. When everyone has the opportunity to explore and the power to choose their own future, Washington thrives.
Now more than ever, youth and young adults need programs that connect them to real careers and set them up for success. CCW is addressing critical, immediate needs of students through career connected learning programs, in our collective new reality as the state is recovering from the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19).
CCW’s vision is that every young adult in Washington will have multiple pathways toward economic self-sufficiency and fulfillment, strengthened by a comprehensive statewide system for career connected learning.
For every young adult to succeed, CCW’s outreach must intentionally focus on populations furthest from opportunity especially students of color, Indigenous students, low-income students, rural students, and students with disabilities. CCW is aware that systemic racism has held students back – especially Black and Indigenous students – and CCW aspires to build an anti-racist system for career connected learning.
Project Description
CCW is looking for a bidder to help it reach its comprehensive goals of increasing awareness of and participation in CCL programs through communication and outreach. It is seeking an experienced bidder to help it prioritize the expenditure of outreach funds to accomplish the goals below, as well as support current CCW outreach efforts and execute relevant outreach tactics. CCW welcomes new and creative ideas and is looking for a firm that can be a thought partner as well as to implement tactics. Audiences may include young people (under the age of 30), parents, teachers, counselors, community-based organizations, CCW partners, and other student influencers.
CCW knows that for every young adult to succeed, CCW must intentionally focus on populations furthest from opportunity – especially students of color, Indigenous students, low-income students, rural students, and students with disabilities.
Overarching CCW Goal
Grow enrollment in Career Launch programs statewide.
a. Long-term goal is for 60% of the class of 2030 to enroll in a Career Launch program by the age of 30.
b. Annual 16% growth in new enrollees required from 2020 to 2037 to reach this goal.
c. CCW’s equity goal is that race, income, geography, gender, citizenship status, and other demographics and student characteristics will no longer predict the outcomes of Washington’s students. Career Connect Washington will build a career connected learning system that enables students who participate in Career Explore, Career Prep, and Career Launch to complete programs, attain sustaining-wage entry-level jobs, and reach family-sustaining wage careers (across industries and occupations) at equitable rates across population demographics.
Communication & Outreach Goals
1) Increase awareness and understanding of career connected learning continuum and system among students, young adults, families, educators, and other relevant audiences.
2) Strengthen CCW’s messaging and communications resources for our partners.
Action Items for a Successful Bidder
CCW is looking for an experienced bidder who can provide the following:
1. Approach for accomplishing the communication & outreach goals given the resources available and previous tactics used. The CCW team is open to new and creative ideas for reaching these goals!
2. Organic marketing for Career Connect Washington, Career Connect Washington’s website and directory, including, but not limited to, search engine optimization, content marketing, website copywriting, and creating marketing materials (e. g., one-pager, explanatory graphics). Note: CCW is not looking for a new website design but rather recommendations for how to improve user experience and clarity of the information. The current website content management system is built in WordPress.
3. Implementation of three or more priority tactics from recommended approach as agreed upon by the successful bidder and CCW leadership based on strategy and budget.
4. Asset procurement, including photos and videos of CCL program participants and instructors, for use in outreach and communications materials to a variety of audiences. This could include using existing videos or photos or sending a video and photography team onsite (programs are statewide) to collect footage of participants and instructors. Also includes editing and production for use on website and marketing channels.
The RFP Coordinator is the sole point of contact in the AGENCY for this procurement. All communication between the Bidder and the AGENCY upon release of this RFP shall be with the RFP Coordinator, as follows: Name | Ellen Matheny |
E-Mail Address | ellenm@wsac.wa.gov |
Mailing Address | Washington Student Achievement Council 917 Lakeridge Way SW P.O. Box 43430 Olympia, WA 98504-3430 |
Physical Address for Delivery | 917 Lakeridge Way SW Olympia, WA 98502 |
Phone Number | (360) 485-1216 |