Access Health continues to evaluate its ongoing operational effectiveness targeting Connecticut’s uninsured population and recognizes that its success is contingent on customers and residents understanding the value of keeping and using their healthcare coverage. This encompasses both retention efforts as well as general market acquisition efforts. We are seeking a vendor that can provide media buying services and leverage a substantial amount of existing research and data into an effective media buying strategy and provide related services to support open enrollment periods and other initiatives in support of organizational goals.
The primary mission of the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange d/b/a Access Health CT (“Access Health” or the “Exchange”), Connecticut’s official state-based health insurance marketplace, is to increase the number of insured residents in Connecticut, promote positive health outcomes, lower costs, and eliminate health disparities. To accomplish this mission and meet certain requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), Access Health has developed an online shopping and enrollment experience for state residents and small businesses, as well as an extensive marketing and communication infrastructure, to raise awareness of health insurance options and facilitate consumer enrollment into healthcare coverage.
Scope of Work:
Access Health continues to evaluate its ongoing operational effectiveness targeting Connecticut’s uninsured population and recognizes that its success is contingent on customers and residents understanding the value of keeping and using their healthcare coverage. This encompasses both retention efforts as well as general market acquisition efforts. We are seeking a vendor that can provide media buying services and leverage a substantial amount of existing research and data into an effective media buying strategy and provide related services to support open enrollment periods and other initiatives in support of organizational goals.
Please find the anticipated scope of work below:
1. Conduct an exhaustive review of internal and external research on member and
2. Participate in planning/ status/reporting meetings as requested and work collaboratively
3. Develop a fully negotiated media plan based on client objectives and targets and provide related services, including but not limited to:
• Integrated media recommendation (i.e., TV, Radio, Print, Display, OOH, SEM)
• Media specs and timing across all channels
• Trafficking, tagging, QA services
• Provide required ATB (authorization-to-buy) documents
• Placement of media insertions and provide position reports
• Coordination all billing and reconciliation
• Weekly and monthly snapshots outlining delivery, pacing, optimizations, and updated recommendations based on performance
4. Negotiate with media vendors across all tactics and provide POVs to direct media partners as requested.
The selected firm must enter into a contract with the Exchange, substantially in the form of the draft contract set forth in Appendix A (the “Contract”). The term of the Contract will not exceed three years.
Due Date:
February 28th, 2019
Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange
d/b/a Access Health CT
280 Trumbull Street
Hartford, CT 06103
Attn: Gina Breton
W2O Group is a strong health care PR firm.