Conrad Foundation – Spirit of Innovation Challenge Issues RFP For Advertising/PR/Marketing

Conrad Foundation – Spirit of Innovation Challenge Issues RFP For Advertising/PR/Marketing Needs

Conrad Foundation – Spirit of Innovation Challenge Issues RFP For Advertising/PR/Marketing Needs

The objective of this initiative is to establish a sponsorship with the Conrad Foundation to generate awareness about the Navy and Navy opportunities in general, and Navy STEM careers in particular.


The Spirit of Innovation Challenge provides a unique opportunity to reach high quality youth via a national competition promoting education, specifically, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM}. The Spirit of Innovation Challenge is divided into four categories; Aerospace and Aviation, Energy and Environment, Cyber technology, and Security and Health and Nutrition. The competition is eligible to students between the ages of 13-18, and 51 % of participants are female. The Spirit of Innovation Challenge provides Navy Recruiting with the opportunity to engage, and generate Navy awareness.

Scope of Work:

NRC shall engage the Conrad Foundation, and develop a sponsorship package at a $50,000 (Gold Sponsor) level. The Agency of Record shall provide advice to NRC Marketing and Advertising Department on ways to ensure consistency of message and maximum reach through cross promotions via and Social media.

The package shall include:

  • A link to on the Conrad Foundation Corporate Partners website for a period of not less than year.
  • Press release announcing sponsorship listing in the program.
  • Engagement opportunity for navy personnel to serve as virtual judges/mentors for the Innovation Portal, as well as real-time judges at the summit.
  • The Navy shall be able to include Conrad approved information on its website, and promotional items. The Conrad Foundation shall provide a marketing guide.
  • The Conrad Foundation shall provide a final report at completion of the sponsorship summarizing outcomes and media impressions.
  • Stage sponsorship banners shall be visible in camera shot oflive streaming events. Events shall be recorded and available online for a period of ONE year.
  • Navy logo with “thank you” message shall appear multiple times at various stages of Summit.
  • Navy logo shall appear on appear on “People’s Choice Award” voting webpage, Summit webpage, large sponsor banner at registration table, all event artwork, and all other signage.
  • Name on back of Summitt-shirts.
  • Mention of Navy sponsorship in all media forums.
  • On-stage verbal recognition throughout the Summit.
  • The Navy may include collateral materials for inclusion in 400 gift bags.
  • Included in the Conrad Foundation Annual Report, grant applications, and other publications for a period not less than one year.
  • A Captain Pete Award to a selected team or individual honoring the Navy and Pete’s NROTC and Na val experience.
  • An “America’s Navy” award shall be created to honor a selected team who’s project most closely aligns with the Navy’s motto of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
  • Footprint for the Navy’s STEM tour.
  • Speaking Opportunities
  • Navy will provide a qualified keynote speaker at Summit
  • Right to provide Cosmic Chat speaker at Summit
  • Leadership to participate in opening and closing ceremonies
  • Opportunity to request Nancy Conrad to speak at Navy events
  • Opportunity to present Summit students at Navy events

Due Date:

September 1st







APCO Worldwide and W2O Group have relevant experience.

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