Consumer PR

Budweiser Rebrands As America

Budweiser Rebrands As America

This may be the most presumptuous branding move in the beer industry since they coined the name, “King of Beers” … or it could be one of the most shrewd and audacious marketing moves of the decade. Recently, Budweiser announced, at least for the summer, it would be renaming its

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Fast Food PR - Mcdonalds Fresh Food Marketing

McDonald’s Goes Fresh For Food

In an effort to regain some lost ground in its key demographics, McDonald’s opted to try something fairly revolutionary in today’s fast food marketplace – fresh beef. Other chains have made the switch, and now it seems McDonald’s is going to give it a try. The transition will get a

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pepsi emoji pr marketing campaign

What Value Is PepsiMoji’s Campaign?

Pepsi started an emojis campaign to brand their product, but for the most part, they are using typical emojis – nothing exclusively connected to Pepsi. Some feel the new campaign is Pepsi’s slant on the Coca-Cola campaign where names were printed on their packaging. Pepsi’s using emojis instead of names.

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Preparing For A Food Crisis

Over the past few decades, there’s been a lot of talk about an impending food crisis – a shortage. But in public relations, preparing for a food crisis speaks more specifically to preparing for crisis communications within the food industry. Did someone become sick or – even worse – die

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PEPSICO Blue Banner

What We Can Learn From the Management Shakeup at Pepsi

PepsiCo recently moved a lot of people to different seats at their management table. Any time there’s change in a company as large and diverse as Pepsi, investors get nervous. So, did Pepsi do the right thing, and what can we learn about their management decisions? Let’s take a look.

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Wine Boom

Why Millennials are Behind the Wine Boom

This is information every food and beverage PR rep needs to pay attention to. Millennials, according to NBC News, are drinking half the wine sold in the United States. That statistic blows the lid off the stereotype of 20-somethings as purveyors of the cheapest beer they can buy. Instead of

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Shopping Retail

Why Shoppers Hate Walmart, A&P and Waldbaum’s

Consumer Reports recently released a report based on a survey that asked 63,000 people to pick their favorite grocery store and rate their experiences week in and week out. More than 111,000 shopping trips were considered, and now consumers have spoken, naming the Worst Grocery Stores in the country. Seriously,

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General Mills

General Mills Sets the Pace for GMO labeling

While some companies are actively fighting against GMO labels on their food, at least, one major cereal maker is taking the lead in the other direction. General Mills – maker of such breakfast staples as Cheerios – says it will begin labeling its products that contain genetically modified ingredients. Ostensibly,

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Panera Bread

Reinvention Turns Panera Into a Fast Casual Phenom

Remember when Panera was just the place you and your friends got together for a latte? Where you could kill a couple hours working on a laptop and sipping hazelnut coffee? Well, those things are all still possible, but that’s not how Panera is defining itself these days. After a

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