Countering Russian Disinformation and Propaganda in Ukraine

Countering Russian Disinformation and Propaganda in Ukraine
Countering Russian Disinformation and Propaganda in Ukraine

The Democracy Council of California (DC), under a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of State (DOS)/Global Engagement Center (GEC), executes the Information Access Fund (IAF) Program.

The IAF Program aims to contribute to the following GEC goals:

  1. Support local independent media who are best placed to refute disinformation and manipulation in their communities.
  2. Analyze and report on tactics, techniques, and procedures of foreign information warfare concerning disinformation and propaganda.
  3. Counter efforts by foreign entities to use disinformation and propaganda to influence the policies and social and political stability of the U.S. and U.S. allies and partner nations.
  4. Collect and store, in print and online (including on social media platforms), examples of propaganda, disinformation, and related activity.


Our approach is based on working hand in hand with local stakeholders to identify problematic systems and collaboratively implement practical solutions that have a positive, measurable impact on people’s lives.

Scope of Work:

DC invites qualified firms and organizations to submit the best-value proposal in response to the RFP objective:

To create and implement social and digital media initiatives, products, and tools that educate, raise awareness, and activate best online practices throughout Ukrainian society to develop critical thinking, social media literacy, and source verification skills.

DC anticipates awarding one deliverable-based contract. DC reserves the right to award more than the anticipated number of contracts stated above. Issuance of a contract is subject to availability of funds, successful negotiation of the contract budget and terms, and GEC consent.

Requirements for this activity are described in the Statement of Work (Attachment I). DC/IAF encourage your organization to indicate its interest in this procurement by submitting a proposal according to the Instructions to Offerors (Attachment II). Proposals will be evaluated based on the following metrics: 1. Evaluation Criteria (Attachment III) – the Offeror shall provide a complete budget and Budget Narrative following the cost elements described in Attachment III; 2. Cost Reasonableness and Evaluation Criteria, using the Bid Price Proposal (Attachment VII) – DC/IAF will make an award to the responsive Offeror submitting an offer that provides the best value to the project. DC/IAF will consider technical merit and price when evaluating project proposals.

To be considered, Offerors should submit a complete proposal by no later than the closing date and time indicated on the first page. Offerors should ensure that proposals are well-written in English, easy to read, follow the instructions provided, and contain only the information requested.

Due Date:

December 2, 2019


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