County of Fresno Issues Marketing & Advertising RFP

County of Fresno Issues Marketing & Advertising RFP

County of Fresno Issues Marketing & Advertising RFP

The County of Fresno on behalf of the Department of Behavioral Health (Department) is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to provide media and mass communications services to educate and engage target audiences, generate public interest in health topics, and influence positive changes in Fresno County. The Department’s mission is to support the wellness of individuals, families and communities in Fresno County who are affected by, or are at risk of, mental illness and/or substance use disorders through cultivation of strengths of the persons we serve toward promoting recovery in the least restrictive environment. The Department expects the successful bidder to not only be fully capable of designing and implementing cohesive, appealing public informing of available services and ways to access those services, but to also form a true partnership with the Department in creating conditions that promote healthy people and healthy communities.


The Department provides preventative and responsive mental health & substance use disorder services to improve the quality of life in Fresno County through creative, courageous and just planning. With an annual operating budget of over $100 million, the Department employs over 600 staff across seven divisions and contracts with numerous professional and community organizations to perform its three essential functions: Children Mental Health, Adult Mental Health, and Substance Use Disorder services. Each division’s level of media needs will vary according to its programs’ goals and requirements and all three areas have a number of challenges and areas of emphasis.

The Department is led by the Director, Assistant Clinical Director and Assistant Business Director. Department leadership oversees the Behavioral Health Communications team, who market mental health awareness, ensure the consistency and efficiency of Department communications, and establish the Department as a leader in mental health in the community. The successful bidder will work with Department leadership and the communication team to enhance current communications methodology to improve purposeful identification and analysis of target audiences and effective modes of delivery.

Scope of Work:

The County of Fresno on behalf of the Department of Behavioral Health is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to provide a communication plan, media marketing, advertising assistance and public relations services. Bidders should possess or retain the technical skill and staffing expertise to successfully execute the services outlined below. Bidders may hire subcontractors or consultants if a vendor lacks the capability to perform certain tasks in-house. Such tasks and identified subcontractors or consultants must be identified in the proposal.

The Department will work with the successful bidder to promote health messaging and other key concepts using the existing state of California’s “Each Mind Matters” campaign. The successful bidder will also be expected to recommend effective methods to expand and improve the “Each Mind Matters” platform to other relevant media.

Annual Comprehensive Communications Plan:

  1. Facilitate meetings with Department staff from selected programs to identify program procedures, requirements, and goals related to media and educational campaigns and projects.
  2. Review the Department’s existing partnerships with other agencies and existing educational materials for opportunities to enhance and integrate complementary messages.
  3. Identify target audiences, specific messages, and distribution networks to reach program goals. Determine the most timely and cost-effective methods.
  4. Design measures to assess changes in public attitudes, perceptions, and behavior, especially among target and priority populations, to improve the effectiveness of campaigns and materials, and to demonstrate campaign outcomes. Assessments may include but are not limited to impressions reports, pre/post test results, and/or focus groups.
  5. Submit a practical written Comprehensive Communications Plan based on above research within 60 days of contract execution and each subsequent renewal year.
  • This deadline may be adjusted if the Department is not able to provide all required information no later than 30 days after contract execution. If the deadline is adjusted, the new deadline will be 15 days after the vendor receives all required information.

Media Campaigns:

  1. Develop and produce advertising campaigns for selected programs, which may include TV, radio, newspaper, outdoor and digital platforms. Develop and produce other public service announcements as necessary.
  2. Integrate the Departments assets of media production for cost-saving purposes, locate deficits, assist in overall development of media outreach.
  3. Place advertisements with identified distribution networks using cost-effective media buying strategies and leveraging available resources.
  4. Finance all costs related to media campaigns, including talent fees, commissions, materials, travel expenses and contingencies until reimbursed.
  5. Integrate messages across platforms, including the Department’s website and social media pages, as appropriate.
  6. Provide assessment reports to program staff on campaign outcomes as described in the Comprehensive Communications Plan, as appropriate.

Information Materials:

  1. Review and update existing educational materials such as factsheets, brochures and presentations, as appropriate, to enhance clarity and comprehension among target audiences for Behavioral Health and all contracted partners.
  2. Collaborate with Department staff to develop new educational materials to fill programmatic gaps.
  3. Recommend improvements to the Department’s website and social media pages to enhance messaging and improve user experience.

Public Relations:

  1. Recommend and review news releases, media advisories, interview talking points and related earned-media communications, as appropriate, to build and maintain public awareness and credibility.
  2. Provide training and technical assistance to Department staff as necessary on creating compelling, news-worthy pieces to increase public awareness of health topics, and to influence positive changes at the individual and systemic levels.
  3. Support Department internal communications to create an inclusive, service-oriented culture in which employees feel supported, valued and driven in the pursuit of the Department’s mission.


  1. Assist in designing all necessary documents translated in Fresno County’s threshold languages of Spanish & Hmong for easiness of understanding.
  2. Working in collaboration with the DBH Cultural Competency Committee, develop a list of preferred terms in Spanish & Hmong that allow for best understanding.

Due Date:

October 30th


Submit to Bid Page:,ca/bid/bidView?bidId=102773&sso=d6113d582824d9575267a0c9a1ca89ed#

Healthcare PR agencies include W2O Group and Makovsky PR.

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