Issue Date: July 18, 2024

Due Date: August 23, 2024

Time: 2:00 P.M.

RFP Number: 2025-01

Issuing Department: Orange County Government

Procurement Office

112 W. Main Street, 2nd Floor

P.O. Box 111

Orange, VA 22960

Contact: Amanda Amos

Contract & Procurement Specialist


The Orange County Board of Supervisors is seeking proposals from approved vendors to

provide graphic and marketing design services to various Orange County Departments such as

Economic Development and Tourism. All proposals submitted must be in accordance with the

specifications set forth in this Request for Proposal. This solicitation shall utilize competitive

negotiation. The Orange County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to award more than

one (1) contract as a direct result of this solicitation.

I. Introduction & Purpose

a. The Orange County Board of Supervisors is seeking proposals from approved vendors to provide graphic and marketing design services to various Orange County Departments such as the Economic Development and Tourism Department.

b. The County reserves the right to award to more than one (1) offeror.

c. The County reserves the right to allow end users to utilize any subsequent agreement contracted as a result of this solicitation.

d. All proposals submitted must be in accordance with the specifications set forth in this Request for Proposal. This solicitation shall utilize competitive negotiation.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to award more than one (1) contract as a direct result of this solicitation.

e. Any resulting contract shall be utilized on an “as needed basis”.

II. Statement of Needs

a. The Offeror shall furnish all necessary labor, materials and supplies to accomplish the required services specified herein on an as needed basis. The Owner provides no guarantee of work. The requirements outlined herein represent the general scope of this contract but may not represent the full range of areas that should be reviewed under the scope of this contract. ]

The Owner reserves the right to request the Offeror to provide additional services; the cost for additional services will be negotiated using the contracted hourly rates or firmfixed prices per project, based upon a mutually agreed scope of work at the time they are requested, and will be added to the contract through written modification.

III. Scope of Work

a. All work shall conform to the standards for the graphic arts trade and printing

industry. The graphic art may include any and all of the following: artist’s original

artwork, computer generated clip art, and national logos, etc. The Owner will

provide some content and direction and retains the right of final review and

approval over every aspect of the project. However, the overall responsibility for

artistic expression and layout of each shall be the Offeror’s.

b. Any resulting contract(s) shall require the Offeror to perform work specific to

individually assigned projects. The estimated number of hours will vary for each

project. The description of projects may include but are not limited to:

i. Print Advertisements

ii. Online Advertisements

iii. Logos/Branding

iv. Brochures

v. Posters

vi. Redesign of Existing Advertisements

vii. Social Media Content Creation and Management

viii. Web Design

ix. Web Hosting

x. Branding Initiatives


xi. Photography

c. All work submitted to the Owner shall be in an electronic format.

i. The programs currently used to view and edit documents is Adobe Creative Cloud.

d. All work submitted shall become property of the Owner.

e. All estimates and costs relating to each assigned project(s) shall be approved by

the County Department Head, or their designee, prior to approval of each project.

f. The Offeror shall submit a sample portfolio when submitting ads from scratch.

g. The Offeror shall be responsible for delivery of all proofs to the Owner via

electronic transfer or as outlined in their proposal response.

h. The Offeror shall generate a clean text final copy of CD or electronic transfer

utilizing PDF, or any other standard formats as specified herein this RFP to the

Owner. The software used shall provide a suitcase containing all printer and

screen fonts used on the disk for creation of the advertisement, publication, etc.

All files should be formatted for commercial printing applications using CMYK and CMS color models.

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