Covington Water District Needs A Digital Marketing Company

Covington water district
Covington water district
Image courtesy of Covington Water District

The Covington Water District, located a quarter mile from Lake Morton, WA is seeking a digital marketing agency. Over the years, a number of small districts merged into Covington Water District and more customers were added as development occurred.

The District currently serves a population of approximately 50,000 through 17,337 water connections as of December 2015. The service area is approximately 55 square miles and is roughly bounded by SR-18 on the west and northwest, Maple Valley Highway on the northeast, Retreat Lake on the east, and the Green River on the south. Our service area boundary includes portions of the City of Covington, Kent, Maple Valley, and Black Diamond with a vast majority of the service boundary covering rural King County.

Scope of Services

The overall goal of the project is to design and construct a new website that is mobile-friendly and supports the District’s motto of Vision of Tomorrow | Action Today.

Elements needed:

  1. Usability
    • Make it easy for customers, businesses, developers, visitors, and intergovernmental partners to navigate and search for information and services.
    • Convey to the navigator a high-level of professionalism and a contemporary design with minimal vertical scrolling and no horizontal scrolling.
    • The site must be ADA compliant and viewable/navigable on multiple platforms (including smart phones and tablets), resolutions and web browsers using responsive web design (RWD). Design and function should be focused on intuitive and familiar navigation mechanisms and prominently feature high-priority or targeted content for the various website user audiences.
    • The site must enhance integration with interactive applications such as social media and GIS services.
  2. Sustainability
    • Develop an information architecture that is efficient, easily understood and sustainable by staff in the future.
    • Implement a content management solution that can be maintained by both IT staff as well as business users with no coding experience. Necessary functionality includes: the creation of templates, WYSIWYG editing to facilitate content management by novice users, ADA compliance, and search engine friendly URL aliasing.
  3. Flexibility
    • Develop a framework that allows for staff to regularly re-fresh pages to maintain customer interest and excitement.
  4. Marketing/Branding
    • The website helps promote the District’s goals, identity and message. Webpages are visited by customers and prospective developers and the new website needs to represent a dynamic, transparent, and welcoming government agency.

Proposal due by June 29, 2016 to:

Covington Water District
18631 SE 300th
Place Kent, WA 98042
Phone (253) 631-0565

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