Save the Children is seeking the services of a Global Creative Partner to provide creative services for Shift campaigns from 2022-2023 (2 years), across a growing number of Shift implementing countries (currently six).
Our Global Creative Partner will play an essential role in the delivery of the Shift model by deploying creative talent to lead the Creative Storm component of our campaign co-design process.
We believe that Shift participants should have access to leading creative talent in order to help transform their ideas into creative campaigns that will convey messages to mobilize audiences.
Our creative partner will help us develop and deliver the ‘Creative Storm’ component of our model at scale across an ever-growing number of countries where the Shift model will be implemented.
Scope of Work
This Creative Storm process should include delivery of the following services for each Shift campaign cycle:
- Development of a standardized strategy deck to standardize deliverables across all Shift projects.
- Creative services to work on Shift activations across a range of cultural contexts. Currently this includes Shift activations in Cambodia, Thailand (Myanmar), Vietnam, Nepal, Malawi and Bolivia.
- Participation in the Big Pitch (creative brief), delivered by young Shift participants. Creatives will develop concepts in response to this creative brief.
- Lead Ideation and development of at least two creative campaign strategy pathways, with ongoing participation of youth groups.
- Presentation of final creative concepts/strategy back to youth.
- Delivery of final creative products/designs in chosen format. Includes any design files for future adaptation.
Closing Date
Closing date: 25 February 2022
- Andy Nilsen
Save the Children International
- Andy.nilsen@savethechildren.org
- Heba Farid
Save the Children International
Relevant agencies include Finn Partners.