CTrides Seeks Marketing Firm

CTrides Seeks Marketing Firm

CTrides Seeks Marketing Firm

CTrides, a commuter assistance program sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), and managed by AECOM Corporation, is requesting qualifications for marketing support services.


AECOM, a world-wide consulting firm, currently administers operations, outreach, marketing and customer service support for CTrides, the CTDOT’s commuter assistance program. There is an on-going need for vendor services related to the marketing of CTrides. Services required are:

  • Public Awareness & Advertising
  • Marketing Management & PR support of an annual awareness event

Scope of Work:

We are seeking qualifications, schedules and costs on the services listed below.

  1. Public Awareness and Public Relations

a) Plan, develop and execute targeted promotions to support various CTrides
efforts, either on an event or calendar basis.

b) Develop media materials

c) Pitch to media outlets

d) Follow-up to secure placement and coordinate interviews

e) Clipping and broadcast monitoring

f) Topline campaign report with placements and reach

  1. Advertising Development

Manage development, creation, production and placement of advertising products state-wide to raise awareness or promote certain aspects of the CTrides, Shore Line East rail, and Telework programs. Submission can be for one or all of these programs.

a) Develop reach and goals of campaign

b) Recommend best practices and combinations of components below (or other), sample schedule, pricing.

c) Develop appropriate collateral to achieve reach and goals.

d) Manage and improve brand guidelines including colors, voice, etc.

3. Media Purchasing

Purchase and placement of approved materials to appropriate media venues to achieve expected reach and goals, including but not limited to television, radio, print and online channels (paid search and online banners).

a) Develop media target plan – news outlets, print, radio, online

b) Create specific story pitches for each attempt at coverage to media outlets, follow-up to secure placement and coordinate interviews

c) Location-based installations- billboards, etc.

d) Television spots – 30-second spot, statewide, general awareness, evergreen messaging

e) Radio – local or statewide, depending on campaign reach goals, either for produced spots or announcer reads.

f) Print – local and statewide, depending on campaign goals

g) Production of event materials. Manage print process start to finish of executed goods.

h) Online banners & paid search

i) Telework program promotion- this program requires targeting business community vs public approach. Possible promotions would include speaking engagements, conferences and other professional channels.

j) Clipping and broadcast monitoring of coverage

k) Topline campaign report with placements and reach

l) Use of analytics and data to consistently monitor media effectiveness and adjust where necessary

4. Graphic Design

Qualifications, timing, cost for promotional pieces (flyers, posters, ecard, sticker, etc.). All materials will comply with existing brand / logo requirements. Graphic Design services needed on both on an hourly and per project basis

a) Hourly services are needed for various small projects supporting the CTrides and/or Shore Line East brand.

b) Deliverables may include collateral pieces such as flyers, mailers, rail schedules, posters, and ecards.

5. Annual State-Wide Special Event Promotion

An annual event at various worksites with smaller promotions at transit agencies, park & rides, bus and train stations.

a) Special Event planning & project support including: concept, planning and management of milestones and development and delivery of final products

b) Collateral Development for promotional pieces and advertising, print, radio, and online promotions (rounds of edits included).

c) Production of event materials. Manage print process start to finish of executed goods.

d) Placement of approved materials in various advertising media.

e) Publicity and media pitching for event coverage including, strategy for both traditional and social media

f) Reporting – Topline report and clippings on event

g) Use of analytics and data to determine promotion effectiveness\

Due Date:

October 11th, 2017



Finn Partners and Ruder Finn are strong contenders for this assignment.

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