AR SHIIP seeks to establish a contract with a qualified advertising firm to provide digital marketing and advertising services to educate Arkansans about the free services available to them through AR SHIIP. Arkansas Senior Health Insurance Information Program (AR SHIIP) connects Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers with certified counselors statewide. AR SHIIP’s local counselors offer oneto-one, in person or over the phone guidance regarding Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplements, and Medicare Part D (drug plans) for free. AR SHIIP partners screen individuals to determine if Medicare recipients are eligible for low-income subsidies or help with drug costs. AR SHIIP and partners examine ways to lower out-of-pocket expenses of Medicare and review other ways for Arkansans to save money. AR SHIIP seeks advertising services to expand its current reach by increasing its digital footprint. AR SHIIP seeks to accomplish the following objectives through a resulting contract:

1. Educate and inform the public of AR SHIIP’s mission and services by partnering creative and innovative digital marketing strategies with its existing grassroots approaches.

2. Use social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to reach targeted audiences.

3. Increase traffic to the AR SHIIP website

Scope of Work:

2.2 PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTOR MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Prospective Contractor shall be a full-service advertising and marketing firm physically located in the United States with experience in successfully developing advertising and marketing plans; developing, hosting, and maintaining websites and social media accounts; and providing public information/education/awareness-oriented campaigns and social norming methods on projects of a similar size and scope to those specified in this RFP.


A. The Contractor shall provide social and digital media advertising and marketing services in accordance with the Requirements specified herein and the direction provided by designated AR SHIIP staff.

B. The Contractor shall design, develop, coordinate, and manage digital media, search engine marketing (SEM), social media platforms, and promotional materials in collaboration with, and on behalf of, AR SHIIP.

1. The Contractor shall translate and produce materials into Spanish and Marshallese as requested by AR SHIIP.

C. The Contractor shall identify and advise as to how AR SHIIP can maximize emerging, innovative, and creative technology and trends in digital marketing, design, and development and shall implement identified technology and trends as directed by AR SHIIP.

D. The Contractor shall meet all specified marketing plan and project deadlines and shall keep within established budget guidelines.

E. The Contractor shall use images and messages that are commensurate with the dignity of the State of Arkansas.

F. The Contractor shall prepare advertisements, presentation materials, and collateral materials to include, but not be limited to, copy and layouts, finished artwork, photographs, testimonials, story boards, scripts, music rights, filming, recording, video dubbing, editing, slide and video production, equipment rentals, scenery, properties, costumes, display materials, merchandising materials, brochures, copy writing, graphs, design, power point, electronic design, etc. as required to meet all contract Requirements. 

1. The Contractor will have access to AR SHIIP’s pool of digital and traditional photographs, slides, and B-roll for use in marketing materials.

G. The Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate services with AR SHIIP and its designees, including other contractors and entities representing AR SHIIP, to present a coordinated message.

H. The Contractor shall measure, track, and evaluate all social analytics to ensure maximum reach to target audiences.

I. The Contractor shall adhere to all applicable State and federal, laws, regulations, policies, and industry standards, including but not limited to accessibility compliance.

J. The Contractor shall propose report formats, submission deadlines, and submission methods for each plan and report identified throughout the RFP and shall adhere to the formats, deadlines, and methods approved by AR SHIIP.


A. The Contractor shall develop and implement an AR SHIIP-approved, comprehensive, researchbased, strategic digital marketing plan to maximize exposure to target audiences and maximize the value of media purchased under the allocated budget (added value) for each year during a resulting contract. 

B. The Contractor shall submit marketing plan components to AR SHIIP staff for approval as specified by AR SHIIP.

C. The marketing plan must include long-term and annual goals, measurable objectives, and strategies for effectively articulating and promoting the services provided by AR SHIIP.

D. The marketing plan must include campaign proposals, a detailed cost management plan, a quality management plan, a staffing management plan, and communications management plan, and a risk management plan.

E. The Contractor shall give AR SHIIP complete and total approval authority of the marketing plan, budgets, and all parts contained within, and shall revise those components as requested by AR SHIIP.

F. At the conclusion of each year (or as requested by AR SHIIP), the Contractor shall assess the overall impact of the marketing plan and shall submit its findings to AR SHIIP, along with a detailed cost analysis of the year’s marketing plan, in a written report. 


A. The Contractor shall place advertising approved by AR SHIIP through a combination of both paid placement ads and public service announcements of equal value, maximizing the exposure to target audiences and the value of media purchased under the allocated budget.

B. The Contractor shall provide optimal media coverage to ensure the budget is maximized and in accordance with a schedule approved by AR SHIIP using approved media.

Due Date:

April 16

2021 Proposal Opening Time: 2:00 p.m., Central Time



Agencies worth considering include Zeno Group and Lippert Heilshorn.

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