Digital Media RFP For The FCC To Achieve Universal Service For All Americans

Universal Service Administrative Company

Universal Service Administrative Company

The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)  – a non-profit which was created by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – is dedicated to achieving universal service. This important principle suggests that all Americans deserve accessible, affordable and pervasive telephone and internet services.

The organization has issued a request for proposal for a digital marketing company to help them achieveweb best practices.  The website is currently difficult and needs to be reorganized.   The site needs to be re-done to help necessary parties in:

  • Learning about USAC programs
  • Applying for funding
  • Checking on the status of funding
  • Interacting with USAC employees, including auditors and program administrators
  • Understanding universal service

USAC’s reason for existence is to ensure that access to telecommunications and broadband is available to all Americans.  They administer the universal service fund, some $10 billion that goes to the companies and institutions that make this possible. Despite pervasive connectivity in most urban areas in the United States, as of January the FCC estimated that nearly 55 million Americans across the country had no access to broadband services. They administer funds to fill these gaps in access. At the heart of the organizations strategy is providing stellar, intuitive support for stakeholders to help them be successful, and enable easy dialogue.

The work to be done is first to develop strategies, and then create the site, including to “…recommend a Content Management System and other infrastructure needs, redesign the look and feel of the website, and launch the site with new content.”

All work must be completed within the United States, and the chosen vendor must be an American owned company.  Proposals are due by January 25th and should be submitted to Universal Service Administrative Company, Attn: Becca Wray, 2000 L Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC  20036. It can also be emailed to

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