East Ramapo Central School District Issues Public Relations RFP

East Ramapo Central School District (ERCSD) is seeking the services of a public relations firm to support aspects of its communication with various publics. Typical communication support provided by the public relations firm will include: press releases to media; press coverage of District events; positive promotion of the District; managing of social media coverage; crisis communication support; enhance district/community relationships, improve customer service/programs, and promote a positive public image.

The District also maintains its own website, www.ercsd.org.

The East Ramapo Central School District is located in Rockland County, New York and operates an early childhood center, four elementary schools for students in grades kindergarten through 3; four elementary schools serving grades 4-6, one elementary school serving grades 1-6, two middle schools serving grades 7-8 and two high schools serving grades 9-12. The public school population is approximately 9,000 students. The District also serves a private school population of more than 25,000 students. This unique composition of students and other factors makes East Ramapo Central School District unique in New York State. The District is diverse and exciting and offers a dynamic educational experience for its student population.

Scope of Work:

  • Produce several press releases per month as required. All press releases will be forwarded to the Superintendent’s Office for approval before released to media.
  • Develop a comprehensive communication plan for the district.
  • Maintain open lines of communication with all community organizations and provide prompt responses to requires for public information about the district, its policies and its programs.
  • Coverage of at least 14 District events per month (one event per school building) including pictures, for the purposes of reporting to the media and inclusion in District newsletters and website. Additionally, vigorously publicize student, faculty and staff achievements.
  • Collaborates with internal and external stakeholders for the purposes of building effective communication, enhancing relationships, improving customer services/programs and promoting a positive public image.
  • Attend meetings in the District (i.e. Superintendent’s meetings, Board of Education meetings, Board committee meetings, etc.) and/or ensure participation by public relations designee.
  • Assist the District with managing social media coverage, including–but not limited to-­ Facebook,  Twitter.
  • Provide crisis communication support,  as needed.
  • Any other duties deemed necessary by the Superintendent. 

Due Date:

August 7, 2017 to:


East Ramapo Central School District

Michelle Rivera, Purchasing Agent

105 South Madison Avenue

Spring Valley, NY 10977

Strong PR firms for this assignment could include 5WPR or DKC PR.

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