Fairfax City Economic Development Marketing Services and Program Management – Restaurant Week

Fairfax City Restaurant Week 2202

Unsealed Proposals Due: January 15, 2023 at 4p.m.


Fairfax City’s Annual Restaurant Week program is administered by a “Restaurant Week Committee” composed of three (3) stakeholders each from the EDA, the CFCC, the OTFBA and four (4) from the city’s restaurant community for a total 13 members. The committee is overseen with the assistance from the city’s Economic Development Office (EDO).

It is expected that the Restaurant Week Committee exercise oversight and control of the program and any consultants, assigning or agreeing upon program tasks and deliverables, and that the Restaurant Week Committee will review the proposed tasks and responsibilities of the consultant in advance of project commencement. Tasks for implementation may not be assigned by the Consultant without the approval of a majority of the Restaurant Week Committee.

The “Restaurant Week Committee” is responsible for overseeing the city’s Restaurant Week program.

The event spans at least one week and up to two weeks, with the second week being optional, during the months of March and August/September. During Restaurant Week, participating restaurants offer prix fixe lunch and dinner menus at promotional prices as well as two for $10 deals to attract diners.

The program’s purpose is to showcase and elevate the diverse culinary scene in Fairfax City. It aims to introduce both residents and visitors to the city’s restaurants and encourages those already familiar with the local restaurant community to venture into trying new and exciting cuisines. Due to the impacts of the pandemic, the program has also focused on the return, recovery, and support of the city’s restaurant community.

Since 2018, Fairfax City’s Restaurant Week program has been successful at increasing the number of people that dine out in Fairfax City restaurants, solidifying the city as a premier regional dining destination and strengthening the opinion that the city’s restaurant community is an excellent alternative to neighboring jurisdictions.

The EDA is composed of seven (7) commissioners appointed by the City Council to create a climate favorable to business investment and growth. In partnership with the City’s EDO, the EDA seeks to help create jobs, develop strong and interesting businesses, and to thoughtfully grow the City’s economy within the region.

The CFCC’s mission is to empower their members with the vision, leadership, and resources to achieve success, while contributing to the economic growth and quality of life in their business community.

The OTFBA’s mission is to promote a thriving economy that enhances Fairfax City’s quality of life and strengthens member businesses. The OTFBA works to reaffirm and support Old Town as the City’s social, cultural, and economic center by emphasizing community organization, promotion, design, and development. The OTFBA operates under the direction of a seven-member Advisory Steering

Committee representing property and business owners of Old Town and the EDO.

Proposals should be submitted in the areas of professional marketing and special event planning services to assist the above-mentioned organizations.

The EDA is seeking a firm or firms that are knowledgeable, creative, and can provide direction, innovative ideas and leadership for growing the Restaurant Week program. The program must include winter and summer iterations. The below program outline is intended as a guide to beginning the process. While these parameters are non-negotiable, the EDA is willing to consider submissions that go beyond what is being listed. Additional aspects that are well thought out will likely elevate the submission.

Program Outline:

• Develop event plan and budget to be submitted and approved by the Restaurant Week Committee.

o The budget must be comprehensive and reviewed and approved by the Restaurant Week Committee prior to the commencement of any work.

 The budget should identify specific cost centers, expenses, and revenue generated by the program that will be reinvested into the operating costs of the program.

o Create report on actual spending at the conclusion of each Restaurant Week iteration.

 If the submitted budget includes hourly work or fees by the applicant, the hourly cost per employee working on the project should be submitted along with the hours the applicant expects each employee to be working on the project.

• Work with the Restaurant Week Committee and Staff to Plan a Winter and Summer Restaurant Week program;

o Unilaterally conduct the restaurant outreach process which includes providing logistics of program and keeping an up-to-date database of participants that  Restaurant Week Committee can view.

 Distribute enrollment forms.

 Create and maintain an online enrollment form.

 Collect enrollment forms and ensure collection of fees.

o All fees paid by restaurants are collected by EDA.

 Collect menus and publish on Fairfax City Restaurant Week website.

 Distribute promotional materials/advertising to participants.

 Host an in-person informational meeting with enrolled restaurants during winter and summer iterations.

o Determine program dates to be approved by the Restaurant Week Committee.

o Determine menu structure/price points to be approved by the Restaurant Week Committee.

o Increase the number of restaurants participating from years past.

o Determine participation fees to be approved by the Restaurant Week Committee.

o Plan promotional activities to support Restaurant Week.

• Develop and execute a Marketing and Public Relations Plan that is approved by the Restaurant Week Committee.

o Develop and execute marketing and public relations campaign that brands Fairfax City as a dining destination, increases sales, drives traffic to FairfaxCityRestaurantWeek.com, social handles, and increases sales revenues.

o Plan and produce collateral materials, displays, brochures, window decals for each restaurant, posters, flyers/postcards, banners, table tents, etc. to create interest in the program.

o Plan and direct public relations print, online, broadcast, editorial coverage, and publicity to create interest in the program.

o Campaign branding to include photos, videos, and press kit materials with a goal of increasing awareness of the program.

o Determine types of media, secure media placements, and editorial calendar opportunities.

• Social Media and Digital Marketing

o Vet, procure, create opportunities, and manage relationships with digital influencers.

o Grow the programs’ social/ digital reach: create a plan to increase overall following on social platforms to include a calendar of social media posts across all applicable platforms.

o Suggest, create, and manage content for social media accounts that include interacting with the public, social media videos, and media campaigns.

o Facilitate and upload “Chef Chat” videos highlighting participating city restaurants for inclusion on social channels.

o Manage and update content for the Fairfax City Restaurant Week website, fairfaxcityrestaurantweek.com, before, during and after each iteration of the program.

• Evaluate the Restaurant Week Program and Prepare Reports for the Committee and Mayor/City Council

o Summary reports must include metrics on restaurant participation, program marketing, and the success of the program comparative to previous years and goals established for current year.

o Each report should be submitted no later than 60 days after each event.

• In all cases, the consultant shall coordinate with the Restaurant Week committee and the Economic Development Office, and serve as the primary program manager and lead consultant for all elements of activities falling within this RFP and reporting ultimately to the EDA.


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