Fairfax, Virginia Issues Branding RFP

Fairfax, Virginia Issues Branding RFP

Fairfax, Virginia Issues Branding RFP

The Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) is seeking proposals to establish a contract for the implementation of a branding system design for the Springfield area to include brand guidelines for the community, as well as designs for application to street fixtures such as gateway signs, banners and medallions. The designs are expected to incorporate the new logo and tagline that has been created, and to reflect the modern aesthetic of the community, while meeting ADA, Virginia DOT and Fairfax County standards for such signage.


Fairfax County is located in Northern Virginia within the Washington D.C. metropolitan area.

The OCR facilitates strategic redevelopment and investment opportunities within targeted commercial areas that align with the community’s vision and that improve the economic vitality, appearance and function of those areas.

OCR provides direct technical support for nine commercial areas, including the Springfield Commercial Revitalization District and the Springfield Transit Station Area. For details on OCR and services, visit www.fcrevit.org.

In 2010, the Springfield Connectivity Study established a vision for the Greater Springfield Area, which is located at the crossroads of I-95 and Franconia Road in southeast Fairfax County. The vision is for a walkable, mixed-use and well-connected place that includes high quality urban design, streetscape, and placemaking.

In 2017, OCR commissioned the development of a new logo for Springfield to support the goals of the Springfield Connectivity Study and the Comprehensive Plan.

Scope of Work:

Brand Applications:

Develop design concepts and specifications for applications of the brand logo and tagline (see Attachment 1), to gateway signs, banners and medallions. Specifically:

1) Gateway Signs – Design for free-standing gateway signs and their supporting structures that are in conformance with Fairfax County and State of Virginia regulations for “welcome signs” and that are ADA compliant. (See Attachment 1 for potential locations). Services include an on-site field survey conducted with Fairfax County staff to confirm specific site locations, and coordination with County staff and a sign fabricator to be selected by the County.

2) Banners – Design for street light pole banners that are in conformance with Fairfax County and State of Virginia regulations, and are ADA compliant.

3) Medallions – Design for incorporation of logo mark into a medallion or plaque that can be applied to a variety of street furnishings and public infrastructure, such as benches, planters and pavement.


1) Develop and present to County staff at least three preliminary design concepts for signs, banners and medallions. Design concepts will include size, proportions, fonts, materials, colors elevations, cross-sections and color renderings sufficient to convey the design concepts.

2) Based upon review comments by the County, develop and present revised alternative design concepts.

3) Present alternatives at community meeting to be hosted by Fairfax County staff to solicit feedback and preferences.

4) Develop a survey instrument, (such as Survey Monkey) on design concepts, for use by County staff to solicit community input.

5) Review with staff comments from community meeting and survey, and determine preferred options for gateway signs, banners and medallions.

6) Develop and present revised designs to County for approval.

7) In collaboration with the County, develop final designs and specifications that are sufficient for fabrication of the signs, banners and medallions by others, and submit final documents in appropriate formats as determined by the County, which may include CAD or Adobe (Illustrator or InDesign formats), as well as PDF versions that are 508- compliant.

Brand Guidelines:

Develop brand guidelines for use of the Springfield logo for placement on print media, such as flyers and posters; electronic media, such as affiliated website pages; and applications to outdoor locations, such as signs, banners and street furnishings. Specifically, guidelines to include:

1) Logo placement and layout options

2) Typography standards

3) Logo color specifications

4) “Do’s and Don’ts” of logo usage and applications

5) Templates for placement of logo on:

(a) Gateway signs, banners and medallions placed on street fixtures, such as benches, trash receptacles, and pavers, (incorporating designs created for “Brand Applications” in Section 3.1 above).

(b) Websites, banners and promotional materials of affiliated organizations and entities, (e.g. Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Springfield Town Center)


1) Development and presentation to Fairfax County staff of draft brand guidelines.

2) Based on review comments by County, development and presentation of revised brand guidelines.

3) Based on review comments by County, development and presentation of final brand guidelines.

4) After written approval by County staff, submission of final brand guidelines in electronic format, (Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, as well as PDF formats that are 508-compliant), and in print format, (10 bound copies).

Due Date:

October 21st


Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization

12055 Government Center Parkway

Suite 1048

Fairfax, Virginia, 22035

Firms with relevant experience includes Hunter PR and APCO Worldwide.

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