FHI 360 Issues RFP For Media Agency to Support Direct-to-Provider Outreach

medical rfp

RFP #103414.001.01

Scope: FHI 360 is seeking the support of a media agency to plan and implement media outreach to health care providers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together) campaign.

Together is an evidence-based campaign that aims to empower communities (consumers), partners, and health care providers to reduce HIV stigma and promote HIV testing, prevention, and treatment for priority populations across the United States.

CDC funding is separated by audience, with funds for consumers, partners, and health care provider designated as three separate contract line item numbers (CLINs). This RFP is specifically for work that falls under the health care provider CLIN.

The Together campaign involves dissemination of CDC’s latest guidance to health care providers and promotion of numerous Together resources specifically designed for providers and their patients. Key components of the Together campaign for providers include:

· HIV screening resources that encourage primary care providers to promote routine HIV screening during patient visits per the CDC HIV testing recommendations.

· HIV prevention resources that encourage health care providers to prescribe pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent new HIV infections.

· HIV treatment resources to help health care providers start the conversation with patients about HIV treatment, care, and transmission prevention.

· Patient-centered care resources with guidance and tips for working with diverse populations, making meaningful connections with patients, addressing health equity, and providing holistic care.

Implementation in any given year will consist of 1-2 demonstration projects (Option Task 12 and/or Option Task 13) with implementation to scale, alongside low-level ongoing efforts to reach priority health care providers with general prevention, testing, treatment, and patientcentered care messaging and other implementation to support co-implementing partners and/or specific CDC Division of HIV Prevention priorities, such as outbreak response support (Task 4).

The media agency will be responsible for the following activities focused on the health care provider audience:

· Develop up to 8 media advertising plans per year, on a rolling basis throughout each year. Each plan will consist of a narrative that describes the strategic goals for health care provider outreach, recommends strategies and tactics in support of those goals, estimates the reach and ad frequency of each tactic, provides performance detail from vendors/outlets and any guarantees (e.g., cost per mille), and details processes and timing (e.g., material due dates, flighting information).

o Up to 4 media advertising plans for sub-campaigns in Task 4

o Up to 2 media advertising plans for Task 12

o Up to 2 media advertising plans for Task 13

· Implement up to 8 media advertising plans per year, on a rolling basis throughout each year. Following approval of each advertising plan, the media agency will secure space and place ads. The media agency will also be responsible for plan maintenance, which may include making minor adjustments to the media advertising plan, such as adjustments for canceled media buys, and replacement and tagging of swapped ads.

o Up to 4 ad flights for sub-campaigns in Task 4

o Up to 2 ad flights for Task 12

o Up to 2 ad flights for Task 13

· Report monthly on performance metrics – By the 10th calendar day of each month, the media agency will provide an Excel spreadsheet detailing the most current metrics that are available for each approved media activity (see Table 1 for minimum required metrics). Media placements include, but are not limited to, print ads, digital banner ads, e-blasts, and video ads. Any additional media activities will require comparable metrics to those detailed in Table 1.

Due Date: March 14, 2025

Contact: Natalia Rojas Villa NVilla@fhi360.org Michael Henry mhenry@fhi360.org

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