Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Seeks Marketing Agency

The Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program recognizes businesses and organizations that employ individuals who have a disability, that contribute to a local or national disability organization, or that contribute to the establishment of a program that contributes to the independence of individuals who have a disability. Businesses and organizations meeting one of the three criteria can apply to become a partner or other individuals or businesses can nominate a company or organization.

During the first year of operation, the marketing and outreach goal focused primarily on promotion and statewide awareness of the program. In the second year, DEO is seeking the services of a marketing and communications firm to increase the actual number of businesses and organizations that become Florida Unique Abilities Partners. Continued statewide marketing of the program through various communication forums and outreach opportunities is required as well to ensure ongoing program recognition and awareness within both the business and community levels.

Currently, there are approximately 120 partners in the Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program. More information about the program can be found at www.FloridaUniqueAbilities.org.

Scope of Work:

  1. Develop a Project Plan and Project Schedule to continue statewide public awareness and outreach of the Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program with a priority emphasis on increasing the number of businesses and organizations that actually become partners.
  2. Contractor will meet with the DEO Project Manager to review any technical and business requirements.
  3. Contractor will develop a project plan and project schedule demonstrating how the Contractor will promote the Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program to enhance statewide awareness and partner participation rate. Such project plan and project schedule will be reviewed and approved by DEO. Such project plan will include, at a minimum:
  4. A quarterly target showing the number of businesses and organizations that become Florida Unique Abilities Partners as a result of outreach by the Contractor.
  5. A summary of marketing and outreach forums the Contractor plans to use to contact and provide outreach to these businesses and organizations.

III. How the Contractor will promote continued statewide program awareness. (Note: Although statewide awareness is a continued need, the focus of this Contract is on increasing the number of businesses and organizations as partners).

  1. Meet the established quarterly target for new Florida Unique Abilities Partners. (The targeted increase in the number of Partners and the rate to be paid per new Partner will be determined by DEO based on the cost response.)
  2. Focus on businesses and organizations that employ individuals who have a disability.
  3. Businesses and organizations that contribute to a local or national disability organization, or that contribute to the establishment of a program that contributes to the independence of individuals who have a disability. Businesses and organizations meeting one of the three criteria can apply to become a partner or can be nominated.
  4. Promote statewide program awareness of the Florida Unique Abilities Partner program.
  5. Per the Project Plan, the Contractor will promote awareness by using communication strategies to potentially include: marketing, media blitz, community events, videos, brochures, social media, grassroots outreach, news articles, press releases, press events, advertisements, and/or any other effective means deemed by the Contractor. Ensure that key staff are available during DEO regular business hours Monday through Friday to respond to DEO staff questions or issues regarding this project.
  6. Ensure that key staff is knowledgeable in the critical aspects of the Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program as it relates to the Contractor’s efforts to provide continued statewide outreach and marketing of the program.
  7. Ensure that key staff are knowledgeable in the critical aspects of the Florida Unique Abilities Partner program as it relates to information that will support the Contractor’s efforts to increase the number of businesses and organizations that become partners.
  8. Ensure status updates at least monthly via conference call or in writing.
  9. Designate a key staff member to serve as the project manager or lead coordinator with DEO staff.

Due Date:

October 24th


Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) Office of Property and Procurement

107 East Madison Street, B-047

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128

Strong Florida PR firms include Zimmerman PR.

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