Florida Emergency Management Issues Media RFP

Florida Emergency Management Issues Media RFP

Florida Emergency Management Issues Media RFP

The State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) is soliciting bids from qualified vendors to provide television and radio spots in order to conduct a statewide hurricane preparedness education campaign.


The Division of Emergency Management plans for and responds to both natural and man-made disasters.  These range from floods and hurricanes to incidents involving hazardous materials or nuclear power.  The division prepares and implements a statewide Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, and routinely conducts extensive exercises to test state and county emergency response capabilities. The division is the state’s liaison with federal and local agencies on emergencies of all kinds.  Division staff members provide technical assistance to local governments as they prepare emergency plans and procedures. They also conduct emergency operations training for state and local governmental agencies.

After a disaster, the division conducts damage assessment surveys and advises the Governor on whether to declare an emergency and seek federal relief funds. The division maintains a primary Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Tallahassee. The EOC serves as the communications and command center for reporting emergencies and coordinating state response activities.  The division also operates the State Warning Point, a state emergency communications center staffed 24 hours each day.  The center maintains statewide communications with county emergency officials.

Scope of Work:

Procurement of a Statewide Hurricane Preparedness Public Education Campaign:

  • The Division will contract with the Contractor to run television and radio spots in order to conduct a statewide hurricane preparedness education campaign (“Campaign”).
  • Because the Legislature directed the Division to conduct a statewide Campaign, the Division will contract with the Contractor to run television and radio spots in every television and radio market in the State of Florida.
  • The Campaign shall include, but not be limited to:

o An emphasis on the personal responsibility of individual citizens to be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours;

o Relevant information on statewide disaster plans, evacuation routes, fuel suppliers, and shelters; and,

o Information regarding special needs clients, special needs shelters, and the state special needs registry.

  • At the discretion of the Division, the Campaign may include additional hurricane preparedness components, to include information about the National Flood Insurance Program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
  • The Campaign shall incorporate alternative formats and mediums to ensure the Campaign is available to individuals:

o With disabilities or special needs;

o In need of assistance but who are not defined under special-needs criteria; and,

o With limited English skills.

  • In order to ensure that the Contractor does not place a disproportionately large amount of television or radio spots in cheaper media markets (e.g. Panama City) at the exclusion of more expensive markets (e.g. Miami–Ft. Lauderdale), the Division has identified the minimum number of spots that shall be guaranteed in each of the 10 Florida television media markets, and 16 Florida radio media markets.
  • In order to ensure that the Campaign is not run during less expensive “overnight” hours, the Division requires all spots included in the guaranteed minimum shall be run during “non-overnight” hours – 5:00AM to 1:00AM.

Period of Performance:

The Contractor shall purchase both television and radio spots in all of the following months:

  • February, 2019;
  • March, 2019;
  • April, 2019;
  • May, 2019; and,
  • June, 2019

Due Date:

September 19th


2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

Zimmerman is a strong Florida based agency.

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