Fresno County Issues Media & Public Relations RFP


The County of Fresno on behalf of the Department of Public Health (Department) is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to provide media and mass communications services to educate and engage target audiences, generate public interest in health topics, and influence positive changes in Fresno County. The Department’s mission to promote, preserve and protect the community’s health depends on its ability to reach into the County’s diverse communities and connect with residents to increase public awareness and understanding of its programs and services. The Department expects the successful bidder to not only be fully capable of designing and implementing cohesive, appealing public calls to action, but to also form a true partnership with the Department in creating conditions that promote healthy people and healthy communities. The Department provides preventative and responsive public health services to improve the quality of life    in Fresno County through creative, courageous and just planning. With an annual operating budget of over $100 million, the Department employs over 400 staff across seven divisions and contracts with numerous professional and community organizations to perform its four essential functions: health care, community health, environmental health, and emergency preparedness and response. Each division’s level of media needs will vary according to its programs’ goals and requirements.

The Department is led by the Director, Assistant Director and Fresno County Health Officer. The Health Officer is the County’s primary public health advocate, especially for the most vulnerable communities and individuals due to economic, cultural, geographic, or other barriers. The Health Officer has developed a foundation and method to reach the Department’s mission called the Pillars of Public Health. Department leadership oversees the Public Health Communications (PHC)  team,  who market  health awareness, ensure the consistency and efficiency of Department communications, and establish the Department as a leader in public health in the community. The successful bidder will work with Department leadership and PHC to enhance current communications methodology to improve purposeful identification and analysis of target audiences and effective modes of delivery. For more information about the Health Officer, the Pillars of Public Health, PHC, please visit administration/public-health-communication.

The successful bidder will be responsible for working with division program staff and PHC to identify and analyze appropriate target audiences; ensure messages are clear, cohesive, and align with the Pillars of Public Health; and plan, develop and place relevant media campaigns. The successful bidder will use the Department’s existing “Healthy Fresno County” platform as the overarching publicizing tool and consideration for all media and educational materials. Bidders must be able to build the Department’s   brand using this platform through implementing effective methods to increase public reach and  engagement, integrating and cross-promoting messages, and ensuring the Department is recognized as a leader and voice of the community.

The successful bidder should have experience working with the following priority populations: women, children, the elderly, low income, minority, rural, disabled, special needs, and LGBTQ. The bidder should also have experience working in languages other than English, such as Spanish, Hmong and Punjabi, and reaching hard-to-reach populations, such as  homeless  residents. The successful bidder  will be expected to work collaboratively with the Department and its existing partners and learn extensively about public health issues facing Fresno County to promote the health and well-being of our diverse residents and the community at large. Although it is not required that bidders be located within Fresno County, bidders should have relevant experience designing and implementing campaigns targeting Fresno County residents, businesses and priority populations, along with an awareness of the unique health challenges that Fresno County faces. Bidders should also be aware of local, state and national opportunities, challenges and political realities. Bidders should both understand and believe in the Department’s mission and vision and offer innovative, creative ideas to enhance the public engagement process and make Fresno County healthier.

Scope of Work:

Annual Comprehensive Communications Plan:

  1. Facilitate meetings with Department staff from selected programs to identify program procedures, requirements, and goals related to media and educational campaigns and projects.
  2. Review the Department’s existing partnerships with other agencies and existing educational materials for opportunities to enhance and integrate complementary messages .
  3. Identify target audiences, specific messages, and distribution networks to reach program goals. Determine the most timely and cost-effective methods.
  4. Design measures to assess changes in public attitudes, perceptions, and behavior, especially among target and priority populations, to improve the effectiveness of campaigns and materials, and to demonstrate campaign outcomes. Assessments may include but are not limited to impressions reports, pre/post test results, and/or focus groups.
  5. Submit a practical written Comprehensive Communications Plan based on above research within 45 days of contract execution and each subsequent renewal year.

Media Campaigns:

  1. Develop and produce advertising campaigns for selected programs, which may include TV, radio, newspaper, outdoor and digital platforms. Develop and produce other public service announcements as necessary.
  2. Place advertisements with identified distribution networks using cost-effective media buying strategies and leveraging available resources.
  3. Finance all costs related to media campaigns, including talent fees, commissions, materials, travel expenses and contingencies until reimbursed.
  4. Integrate messages across platforms, including the Department’s website and social media pages, as appropriate.
  5. Provide assessment reports to program staff on campaign outcomes as described in the Comprehensive Communications Plan, as appropriate.

Information Materials:

  1. Review and update existing educational materials such as factsheets, brochures and presentations, as appropriate, to enhance clarity and comprehension among target audiences.
  2. Collaborate with Department staff to develop new educational materials to fill programmatic gaps.
  3. Recommend improvements to the Department’s website and social media pages to enhance messaging and improve user experience.
  1. Public Relations
  2. Recommend and review news releases, media advisories, interview talking points and related earned-media communications, as appropriate, to build and maintain public awareness and credibility.
  3. Provide training and technical assistance to Department staff as necessary on creating compelling, news-worthy pieces to increase public awareness of health topics, and to influence positive   changes at the individual and systemic levels.
  4. Support Department internal communications to create an inclusive, service-oriented culture in which employees feel supported, valued and driven in the pursuit of the Department’s mission.

Management & Administration:

  1. Annually, develop and submit a project management timeline specifying deliverables, responsible parties, and completion dates. Update the timeline quarterly.
  2. Prior to beginning work on a project, submit a project brief to ensure it relates to the Comprehensive Communications Plan and is within budget parameters.
  3. Monthly, submit a status report on all project tasks no later than 30 days after the end of the previous month.
  4. Monthly, submit one invoice no later than 30 days after the end of the previous month. The invoice shall include all approved project expenses and related backup documentation (such as work orders, invoices and receipts). The invoice shall clearly delineate project expenses by each cost center. Cost center codes will be provided to the successful bidder by Department staff.

Due Date:

February 13th


County of Fresno


4525 E. Hamilton Avenue, 2nd Floor

Fresno, CA 93702

Strong West Coast PR firms include Shift Communications.

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