Government of Newfoundland Issues Publicity RFP

Government of Newfoundland Issues Publicity RFP

Government of Newfoundland Issues Publicity RFP

The goal of GNL is to ensure the effectiveness of its advertising by ensuring appropriate audiences are targeted. GNL is seeking a consultant, or consultants, with proven abilities to execute programmatic media buying for a variety of campaigns.

Advertising is an important way for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (GNL) to communicate with the people of the Province. GNL uses various types of media buying to support social, economic and cultural objectives of Government to ensure that Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are informed of services, programs, initiatives and policies. It is also an essential tool used to alert the population about environmental and public health and safety issues, invite consultation on matters of public interest, and notify people about their legal rights and obligations.

Scope of Work:

GNL intends to establish an order of call, whereby the lowest compliant bidder (preferred supplier) will be called upon to complete the tasks as requested. In the event the preferred supplier is unable to perform the tasks required, or is unavailable, the next lowest compliant bidder will be called upon, and so on. For this reason, all bidders who comply with the requirements and specifications outlined will be issued a Standing Offer Agreement with terms as outlined above.

By submitting a bid, the Consultant certifies that it has in-house resources capable of meeting roles and responsibilities of the following categories of service:

  1. Media Planning and Coordination;
  2. Expertise in use of various programmatic platforms;
  3. Account Coordination;
  4. Strategic Planning and Development;
  5. Media selection and rationale, including but not limited to:
  • Recommended channels and costs;
  • Goals;
  • How to best optimize ROI; and
  1. Provide performance reports for all campaigns executed, as required, including but not limited to:
    1. Summary from planning to completion, including results against planned objectives;
    2. Lessons learned; and
    3. Recommendations, as applicable.

The successful Consultant will commit to:

  1. Providing the best value for services to the GNL from concept to execution of advertising services;
  2. Fairly represent the GNL’s knowledge and capabilities to meet the assignment objectives;
  3. Ensure availability of resources and that qualified personnel is applied to meet the objectives, deadlines, quality standards and budget;
  4. Build a knowledge base and keep up-to-date on the issues facing Government and its entities;
  5. Demonstrate a high level of responsiveness and the ability to react quickly:
  6. Exhibit financial reliability and administrative control through documented processes for all transactions on behalf of government business; and
  7. Ensure that all advertising agency output in connection with the tender reflects public sector sensitivities.

Due Date:

September 18th


Tendering and Contracts Division

Ground Floor, Confederation Building – East Block

P.O. Box 8700

St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Agencies to consider include W2O Group and MWWPR.

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