Hawkins International PR Firm Profile

Hawkins International Pr Firm Profile

Hawkins International Pr Firm Profile

A boutique public relations firm in New York City, Hawkins International has extensive experience representing a range of multinational luxury and lifestyle brands, as well as iconic boutique companies. Hawkins International represents unique clients from around the world with a range of state-of-the-art strategies and PR solutions. Achieving recognition is a leader in communications, Hawkins International has a reputation for elevating brands to the next level with diverse experience and state-of-the-art media impact.

Hawkins International Public Relations Leadership and Clients

Hawkins Public Relations is a digital PR and marketing firm that takes a global approach to communications. Over the years, they’ve worked in a number of different industries, including the food and beverage sector, travel, luxury fashion, real estate and more.

Working alongside clients to provide a wide selection of successful campaigns, this unique brand has transformed communication strategies for luxury hotels, high-end restaurant launches and even cruise ship events. They believe that the goal of their work is to deliver satisfaction to all their customers. Some notable clients working with Hawkins PR include Oasis, Montage International, JW Marriott, and Mosaic Hotel Group.

Hawkins International PR Perks and Problems

The employee environment in Hawkins PR is highly supportive and engaging. Staff embrace interns and help them to become a part of everyday meetings so that new entries feel like a solid part of the team. Hawkins Public Relations offer their clients a competitive salary with plenty of additional benefits. Employees have the opportunity to gain experience working with a diverse range of clients, with support from a team of smart and strategic individuals.

Individuals working with Hawkins PR believe that their jobs help to set them up for a successful entry into the PR environment. However, it’s important to note that the boutique nature of the agency means that it’s less fast-paced than some other companies.

Hawkins International PR Services

As a boutique agency, Hawkins PR believes that they set themselves apart from the other competing companies in their industry by giving their clients the individual support and attention they need. They believe that success comes from forming strong relationships. Services include:

  • Marketing partnerships
  • Media Intelligence
  • Event and Media planning
  • Digital strategy
  • Media relations
  • Brand launches

Getting a Job with Hawkins PR

Like many fast-moving companies in the public relations industry, Hawkins PR are constantly looking for the next professional to join their team. They welcome talented and motivated PR professionals and invite them to become a part of their group, with career opportunities and internships to suit a range of skill sets.

Interested candidates can apply for a role with Hawkins PR by visiting the careers page on the website.

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