Government of India Pension Firm To Hire PR Firm

india agency rfp

india agency rfp

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) of the Government of India is seeking a public relations firm. They seek a firm able to design and execute an ongoing program to ensure media visibility through a high impact communication strategy and proactively organizing national and regional media relation programs.

The objective of the PR strategy would be to enhance awareness and disseminate information regarding the various policies, activities and schemes within the ambit of PFRDA to promote old age income security by establishing, developing and regulating pension funds, protect the interests of subscribers to schemes of pension funds and matters connected therewith.

Activities should include to:

  1. i)          Design an effective and comprehensive Public Relations Strategy
  • Prepare an effective Public Relations Strategy for the policies, activities and schemes within the ambit of PFRDA
  • PR strategy, approach, calendar and schedule to be decided with the approval of  PFRDA
  1. ii)          Execute the approved Strategy through both ongoing initiatives and event specific initiatives
  • Keep the media abreast of all important developments related to PFRDA and its activities. The PR agency will proactively identify appropriate media opportunities to highlight business developments and announcements. This could be through press releases, press briefing, media interactions, press conferences, round tables, etc. as appropriate.
  • Proactively develop the theme/concept for press meets and work out news releases, articles and other promotional initiatives targeting local, national & international media.
  • Organize and conduct press briefings, press conference, press releases, panel discussions, launch research reports etc. which fall within the ambit of PFRDA. This will include targeting the relevant media across India, pre-announcement preparation, drafting the press release & related information, talking points, media list collation, media invites, pan India press release dissemination, etc
  • Arrange for national/regional/local media to cover various events organized by PFRDA or its authorized representatives.
  • Arrange for media coverage of any significant event attended by the Board members or senior management of PFRDA in any part of the country.
  • The agency is also expected to map opportunities for the leadership team and activities and schemes of PFRDA for consistent media visibility. Target media: Print – national mainline & financial dailies, regional, business and general interest and lifestyle magazines; electronic media – national; online media – as appropriate
  • The agency will create talking points for the media interactions by any employee and/or senior leadership team of PFRDA to be identified and articulated by PR Agency in consultation with PFRDA.

PR initiatives through digital media:

  • The PR agency will develop and submit a customized online PR strategy that would work in tandem with the traditional PR as well as advertising activity to drive traffic to PFRDA’s official website, creative buzz for NPS and PFRDA, tap into blogosphere discussions relevant to PFRDA, enhance visibility of NPS within value  rewarding online magazines, news portals and networking spaces.
  • Social Media Intelligence – Monitoring & reporting on the conversations around  PFRDA & its schemes and activities on social media channels, and advice appropriate action.
  • Social Media Engagement – profile management & modulation for the PFRDA & its administered products, the initiatives of the organization & its spokespersons on social media channels.
  • Setting up and updating of pages/blogs etc on social media vehicles

Proposals are due by June 7, 2016 and should be submitted to:

The Deputy General Manager (Media),

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

B-14/A, Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi

PR firms with major operations in India include Ketchum PR, Burson Marsteller and APCO Worldwide.

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