Indian Government Seeks Social Media Agency For Climate Change Communications

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for The Government of India is seeking a social media agency to generate awareness around the issue of climate change.

There are many responsibilities for the chosen agency, including to:

  • Set up a complete social networking management system for the Ministry and manage the same by deploying requisite number of persons with requisite qualifications and skills-set.
  • Video & Message recording, populating, publishing and updating the content as and when required on 24X7 basis. The frequency of information will be on a continuous and daily basis.
  • Management of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and other social media identities Generate buzz about Ministry’s activities and engage citizens over its initiatives.
  • Round the clock running of social media sites, updating, analyzing social media trends likes, content moderation and suggest client intervention as and when required.
  • Social media feedback/comment management on regular basis, appropriate tagging, on regular basis. Repackaging of the client & created content (videos and photographs) into suitable formats (video packages and others) for social media.
  • Uploading of repackaged and creative content on various social media platforms such as Face book, YouTube, google+, twitter. etc.
  • Ensure that significant posts made by the public on all the Ministry’s social networking sites are monitored on a real time basis and is brought to the notice of the designated Ministry’s official on daily basis.

Proposals are due by February 13, 2016 and should be submitted to:


Under Secretary (Media), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Indira Paryavaran Bhavan – Jor Bagh New Delhi – 10001.

Naturally, climate change remains of vital importance for all countries in the world.

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