Indian Tea Seeks Digital Media Agency



TEA BOARD INDIA , invites proposals from interested Advertising Agencies/Digital Marketing Agencies/Social Media and Web-Based Marketing Agencies for undertaking a Comprehensive Digital and Social Media Campaign for promotion of Indian tea and its specialty teas in India and 10 designated markets. The primary objective of this campaign is to reach out to global and domestic audiences, media, buyers, consumers, traders, importers, investors & institutions to heighten awareness about Indian tea, its many varieties, types , formats, positive health attributes and weave a story line that catches the imagination of people regarding its uniqueness.

The medium envisaged is to use the online platform to engage the consumers through a variety of tools such as use of graphic interactive designs, videos , use of interactive maps, animated gifs, pictures, information etc leading to more intensified level of curiosity and providing layered information depending on the curiosity level, use of online engagement activities such as quiz, contests and gift hampers to keep the users attracted to the social media campaign, use of info graphics, animated gif images, short videos etc. These are some of the indicative concepts for such engagements.

Scope of Work:

  1. Formulation of Creative Vision for a period of six months, to build-on and amplify Indian plantations in domestic and 10 International markets The Agency also has to formulate an online brand strategy for the international and domestic markets for the duration of the campaign i.e. six months.
  1. Creation and maintenance of unique and engaging properties for the campaign on social media channels. Based on the strategy proposed by the agency, new accounts on social media channels will need to be created. All the content has to be linked through TEA BOARD INDIA’s website for the promotion of Indian tea on the appropriate platforms (e.g Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc) and all traffic has to be directed to these . Creative material and inputs must be provided by selected agency in order to run campaign related activities on this website such as quiz/contest/trivia/infographics/videos etc. Wherever possible and feasible, online properties of Tea Board   shall also be amplified, used and promoted.
  2. Amplification through Paid Digital Media Campaigns.
  3. Media Planning & providing professional inputs and support in buying of media for Digital Campaigns (Online and Mobile) for the domestic and international markets for running banners, adverts etc. on themes/subjects to be decided in consultation with TEA BOARD INDIA.
  1.  The agency has to plan and execute innovative digital and social media promotion activities throughout the campaign duration to ensure better audience engagement. These will include, but are not limited to the following:

1.  Live Twitter Session

Live Twitter session/Face book Live with industry experts to interact with masses/youth on chosen topics. This activity can have a regular schedule depending upon the user base. Schedule will be finalized based on the target market and target segment.

2. ‘Info ‘ campaign

Use of appealing graphics. GIF’s or info graphics with industry facts related to tea should be used to disseminate interesting and engaging information. Interesting information , anecdotes, related with tea may be used. Theme based quizzes should be organized for Indian Tea.

3. ‘Tea and friends’ contest

Buddies enjoy hanging out and bonding over cups of tea .  Tea buddies  to share their special moments  of bonding.

4. ‘Tea the Ice breaker/ Tea the Redeemer ’

This section can engage youth emotionally by asking them to share their story on social media about an awkward moment when tea came to their rescue

5. ‘My cup of tea’

Sometimes we refer to a certain way of life, certain activity, certain attitude, certain typical taste preferences as ‘my cup of tea’ Users can post the videos/posts/descriptions of their innovative ways under ‘My Cup of Tea’ However, these would need to be an arrangement of these being screened  before uploading

6. ‘Dream Cuppa’

This can be one of the most engaging campaigns on social media for masses. Anyone who wants to participate needs to post about they would like to have a dream cup of tea. ‘Dream Cuppa’ can be with celebrities/parents/relatives/overseas personalities etc. Our own team can post some narratives to give this campaign a direction.

Stories can be from business world where youth would like to have a dream cuppa with the personality who inspires them the most.

Due Date:

September 18th, 2017.


The Secretary
Tea Board India
14 BTM Sarani
Kolkata – 700 001

Strong government PR agencies include APCO Worldwide and Burson-Marsteller.

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