Indiana Department of Workforce Seeks Marketing Agency


The Indiana Department of Workforce Development, requires a marketing/advertising agency to assist with an awareness campaign for Indiana Career Ready (ICR). The Indiana Department of Workforce Development oversees the current status and growth of Indiana’s workforce in order to assist the business community with their workforce needs. Part of this oversight extends to adult basic education, Indiana’s high school equivalency program, high school dropout prevention, postsecondary credentials, employment training/placement, and re-entry initiatives for ex-offenders.

DWD is also the warehouse of data for the state’s unemployment rate, job openings, occupational projections and educational attainment levels. By harnessing the power of this information we have created the Demand Driven Workforce System (DDWS). The DDWS will equip us to forecast job demand more accurately, frequently and granularly at the county level rather than at the statewide level which has been the only means possible in the past. Using methodology from the Texas SkillsEngine, DWD is able to refine our labor market information (LMI) and determine which jobs and skills are in demand by employers. In turn we can then align our education system to better match the skills and training needed by employers. Students and jobseekers will be better equipped to choose occupations they know are needed in the workforce with an understanding of the education, credentials and skills needed to succeed in those occupations.

This new technology brings Indiana’s workforce system into the 21st century and better able to solve the paramount challenge of replacing more than one million jobs over the next 10 years, either through attrition (700,000+) or from new and emerging global/local economies (300,000+) using Indiana Career Ready.

Complimentary to the ICR brand and messaging are three of the tools used to provide data:

  • – current job opening
  • – career pathways to in demand jobs
  •  INDemandJobs(Indiana Career– careers that are in demand today and tomorrow

Scope of Work:

Indiana will need to fill more than one million jobs over the next 10 years. In order to meet this demand, the Department of Workforce Development has created a web-based demand driven workforce solution – Indiana Career (ICR) was soft launched July of 2017. The introduction of this new web-based application and its capabilities will require the need for a new marketing strategy that creates broad public awareness. Tasks needed include: strategy and planning, creative development, execution of production which may be video/audio for radio and TV, print advertisements, billboards, social media, etc.

Due Date:

September 14, 2017


Indiana Department of Administration
Procurement Division
402 W. Washington St., Room W468
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Agencies with strong government experience include APCO Worldwide and Burson-Marsteller.


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