Introducing a Brand on TikTok

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It’s not always easy for companies to start using a brand new platform, let alone a brand new social media platform. Especially if the company doesn’t really know whether to use that new platform and if investing time and effort into learning how to use it the right way is going to generate the right results that the company wants. Nevertheless, it’s sometimes quite difficult for companies to completely ignore specific platforms, as is the case with TikTok these days, which many companies have used to generate a lot of engagement, reaching thousands or millions of people. 


When a company wants to start using TikTok as a way to reach its target audience, the first step is to figure out how it’s going to present itself on the platform, or in other words, how the company is going to provide value to its target audience through its content. By defining how the company will provide its audience with value ahead of time, companies will easily establish the purpose of using the platform in the first place, as well as what the presence of the company is going to look like on the platform. There are many different ways for companies to provide more value to their target audiences by creating content specifically for TikTok, such as entertaining content, educational content, informational content, and more. Given the fact that by nature TikTok tends to be quite a quirky platform, a lot of people tend to have a misconception that more serious appearing brands shouldn’t be using it in the first place, which is not true, because companies can present themselves in a variety of different ways on it. And the ultimate goal that every company should have when using the platform is to provide the audience with value in a way that will engage them.

Brand voice

When a company first joins TikTok, it can be quite tempting to start joining in on every trend, challenge, or conversation that’s happening every day on the platform. However, it’s important for companies to be strategic with the content that they are sharing on the platform and create some guidelines before creating and sharing any sort of content. There are many kinds of conversations that are constantly happening on the platform, and companies don’t need to take part in every single conversation or trend. The best way to go about it is to choose the ones where it’s going to make sense for the company to join in and strategically insert its own brand voice. Additionally, if the company doesn’t contribute to a conversation or trend in a meaningful way, it’s best to ignore it and wait for the next one, especially given the fact that new trends appear on the platform practically every day.

Ronn Torossian founded 5WPR.

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