Issuing Procurement Unit State of Utah Division of Purchasing Conducting Procurement Unit Department of Public Safety (DPS) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Impaired Driving Messaging Campaign

Utah Agency

Close 8/21/2023 2:00 PM MDT

Scope of Work for Impaired Driving Messaging Campaign Attachment: B

1. Introduction

The purpose of this request for proposal is to enter into a contract between the Utah Department of Public Safety (DPS) and a qualified firm to provide the Utah Department of Public Safety (DPS), Highway Safety Office, and local agency partners within the State of Utah public relations, outreach, and information management services for an impaired driving media campaign.

This RFP is intended to provide interested Offerors with sufficient minimum requirements. The requirements in the Scope of Work for this RFP are not intended to limit a proposal’s content or creativity. In response to this RFP, offerors may submit innovative ideas, new concepts, and optional features. Offerors are encouraged to expand upon the specifications to give additional evidence of their capability to provide the services requested in this RFP.

However, Offerors must specifically address the needs and requirements stated in the Scope of Work of this RFP.

2. Scope of Work

The contractor shall provide the state and local agency partners, public relations, and information management services. Public relations and information management services shall consist of extensive public relations support and marketing strategy, coordination of events, research, and performing other duties as needed. This work will be conducted for a government agency utilizing taxpayer funds to affect behavioral change concerning impaired driving issues. On average, the campaign(s) will run in conjunction with six (6) high-visibility enforcement efforts during the year.

The services to be provided by the successful contractor are described below. The agency selected must be able to design, produce, coordinate, and operate under strict deadlines and within budget a statewide media campaign to:

a. Affect a behavioral change in demographics at high risk for driving impaired.

b. Increase awareness in the general public and in demographics at high risk for impaired driving about increased DUI enforcement and the dangers and consequences of impaired driving.

c. Combine visibility elements and a publicity strategy with law enforcement efforts to educate the public and promote voluntary compliance with the law.

d. Develop educational materials suitable for dissemination in partner offices and public spaces.

e. Create messaging that aligns with Utah’s local campaigns on impaired driving, such as NHTSA’s “Drive  Sober or Get Pulled Over,” “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving,” and “If you feel different, you drive different.” Common themes include “If you consume alcohol or impairing drugs, refrain from driving” and “Always make arrangements for a sober ride.”

f. Utilize the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” or the most recent campaign tag-line which is made available through a comprehensive impaired driving prevention program organized by the U.S.

Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that focuses on combining high visibility enforcement and heightened public awareness through advertising and publicity.

3. Marketing Campaign Approval and Art Work

a. The Department of Public Safety gets the final decision and approval of work.

i. DPS holds the authority to make final decisions regarding branding and marketing and has the right to implement necessary changes to programs and procedures.

ii. The DPS Program Manager will guide the direction of all campaigns ahead of the creative development done by the agency.

iii. The agency shall submit a work order and all creative materials to DPS for approval in advance of

all material projects, including advertising placement.

iv. Final campaign materials must be presented for DPS approval at least 30 days before the launch date.

Scope of Work for Impaired Driving Messaging Campaign Attachment: B

v. The agency shall acknowledge the approval process through the DPS chain of command. Once concepts are presented to the DPS program manager and Communications Manager, they must be approved through UHSO administration, DPS Public Affairs, and DPS Headquarters.

b. Art Work Rights

i. All original advertising material or specific rights to material created or negotiated for or on behalf of DPS, such as copy, photography, illustration, video files, artist’s layouts, or design sketches and storyboards, shall be the property of DPS at the time the contractor is paid.

4. Objectives of Contract

The overall objective of this contract will be to perform any or all of the following services:

a. Create strategic communication plans

b. Public Relations Outreach

c. Create a variety of graphic elements

d. Create TV, radio, print, and online ads

e. Media Buying

f. Create publications, articles, and printed materials

g. Video Planning and Production

h. Utilizing Existing Resources

i. Evaluation and Reporting

j. Multilingual

k. Annual Budget

l. Create opportunities for earned local media

m. Traffic safety research, focus groups, surveys, etc.

5. Strategic Communications Plan

a. Proposing agency shall create a strategic communication plan from a global (department-wide) standpoint and a grassroots or individual program standpoint.

b. The agency will determine the campaign strategy at least annually and maintain flexibility to shift strategies year-to-year. The PM will determine the direction of the program each year.

c. This will include, but is not limited to, identification of the publics, identification of key messages for those publics, and identification of tactics to deliver those messages.

d. Proposing agency shall create a strategic communication plan within a minimum of one (1) month prior to the start of each grant year or within one (1) month of the start of the new contract.

6. Public Relations Outreach and Coordination

a. Proposing agency shall conduct public relations (PR) management and have experience in implementing PR tactics, such as:

i. The ability to generate local and national public interest in a variety of advocacy or transportation related safety topics without using paid advertising.

ii. The ability to pitch local and national media and place stories in those mediums.

iii. The ability to use grassroots tactics to generate public and media interest in issues relating to the

prevention of impaired driving.

iv. Proposing agency shall communicate in various formats to Utah’s diverse publics.

Scope of Work for Impaired Driving Messaging Campaign Attachment: B

v. Proposing agency shall proactively identify and incorporate personal stories into public relations activities.

vi. Proposing agency shall create a public relations outreach program within a minimum of three (3) weeks.

vii. Proposing agency will participate in new and existing task forces, and planning committees.

7. Create Graphic Elements

a. Proposing agency shall create color logos and graphics to communicate and reflect strategic messaging.

b. Proposing agency shall create engaging interactive design for both print and online-based mediums.

c. Agency shall create graphic elements relating to behavioral change.

d. Proposing agency shall create graphic elements within a minimum of two (2) weeks.

8. Create TV, Digital, Radio, Print, Media and Online Ads

a. Proposing agency shall create strategic advertising in a variety of formats, including for various social media platforms.

b. Proposing agency shall create TV, digital, radio, print, social media, and online ads within a minimum of one (1) month. Potential broadcast media ads would be anywhere from 6 to 60 seconds in length, and potential topics include impaired driving awareness and prevention.

9. Media Buying

a. Proposing agency shall make effective media buys with radio, print, online and television outlets that reach the campaign focus demographic. Agency shall provide examples of past-negotiated rates with said outlets.

b. Proposing agency shall identify and evaluate the effectiveness of paid partnerships with media,

entertainment and other outside entities.

c. Proposing agency shall negotiate “in-kind” and bonus advertising.

d. Proposing agency shall provide in-house media buying experience and media buying analysis capabilities.

e. Proposing agency shall purchase ad-time with media outlets within a minimum of one (1) week.

f. Proposing agency shall provide broadcast and/or digital plans ahead of each run.

g. Proposing agency shall provide media post-buy analyses, and post-buy-affidavits following each run.

10. Media Events and Press Conferences

a. The proposing agency shall gather, catalog, and utilize impaired driving personal stories to develop a message and/or media hook for the event.

b. The proposing agency shall suggest event locations, backdrops & visuals.

c. The proposing agency shall understand the current media climate surrounding DUI, impaired driving, drowsy driving, and drug abuse issues and suggest topics appropriate for campaign events.

d. When planning earned media events, the proposing agency shall consider appropriate media event styles (media availability v formal remarks).

e. The proposing agency shall prepare related documents in coordination with the Program Manager and Communications Manager/PIO. (press releases, talking points, advisories, articles, fact sheets, etc.)

11. Publications

a. Proposing agency shall produce easy-to-read, visual, and creative publications to be used to communicate with a variety of external audiences.

b. Proposing agency shall create and supply DPS with publications within a minimum of one (1) month.

12. Video Planning and Production

Scope of Work for Impaired Driving Messaging Campaign Attachment: B

a. Proposing agency shall plan and produce videos for use as public service announcements, web videos, broadcast ads, and educational videos.

b. Proposing agency shall create videos within a minimum of one (1) month

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