Kamloops Cancer Centre Public Advocacy Campaign

breast cancer awareness everything-pr

DUE DATE: Monday, October 23, 2023 


1. Background

The geographical boundaries of the Thompson Regional Hospital District (TRHD) encompass the entirety of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, with the addition of representatives from the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (2), District of Lillooet (1), and the Columbia-Shuswap Regional District (1). Royal Inland Hospital (RIH) is the only tertiary referral hospital in the Thompson-Cariboo-Shuswap Health Service Delivery Area, with a growing population of more than 225,000 residents that includes the entire TRHD and other areas of the Columbia Shuswap and Cariboo-Chilcotin. With no option for radiation treatment at RIH, cancer patients and their loved ones who reside within this Health Service Delivery Area must travel to Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) to receive this specialized treatment. It is estimated that approximately 40% of patients receiving radiation treatment at KGH are residents of the Thompson-CaribooShuswap Health Service Delivery Area.

It has been determined that a public advocacy campaign has worked previously for Kamloops (UCC to TRU, West Jet at YKA), and a similar campaign would help build momentum at a local level to demonstrate the need for a Cancer Centre to be built in Kamloops.

2. General Scope of Work

The successful proponent for the Project will grow understanding of facts associated and community and regional benefits of a proposed Kamloops Cancer Centre, such as those mentioned above section 1 of Schedule “A.” The proponent will raise awareness of those who are or have been impacted, directly or indirectly, by the requirement to travel out of region to receive radiation treatment. In general, the proponent, through the Project, will outline the extent of local support towards a proposed Kamloops Cancer Centre and the benefits that such a project would bring to residents within the region.

The target audience for the Project will include residents within the boundaries of the TRHD.

Both physical and digital materials will need to be developed to provide information to residents through various platforms and mediums. The Proponent will ensure that all communications materials and initiatives are engaging, provide accurate information, and raise awareness and understanding of general benefits of a Kamloops Cancer Centre.

The proponent of the Project will have a strong general knowledge of the TRHD geographical boundaries, its composition, its roles and functions, and general responsibilities and limitations.

The term of the contract for the Project will commence at a time agreeable to the Proponent and the TRHD in 2023 and shall remain in full force and effect for no less than 10 months, with a possible extension.

3. Service

Services recommended to be included by the successful proponent in this Project include, but are not limited to:

– All public relations and a formal strategy for public advocacy

– Fact sheets, display materials, newsletters

– Community engagement

– Campaign volunteer drive

– Website and social media management

– Video production

– Supporting delegations to local governments with campaign drive updates

All labour, equipment, materials, and associated services necessary to provide this service shall be the responsibility of the contractor.


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