Kern Community College District Issues Marketing RFP

Kern Community College District Issues Marketing RFP

The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit technical and performance narratives along with suggested pricing information from vendors; and identify additional supply or product resources that would reach a minimum of 50-75% high school age students and their parents with general and specific high school to community college career pathways education opportunity information. Please describe and price these two target markets separately.


The multi-campus Kern Community College District serves an area of approximately 24,800 square miles in parts of Kern, Tulare, Inyo, Mono and San Bernardino counties through programs of Bakersfield College, Cerro Coso Community College and Porterville College. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office has developed various media content including videos, text content, and other materials focused on Community College career pathways that are available for use at no cost or at little cost for the contemplated campaign. Additionally, the Central Valley Mother Lode Region has also engaged a marketing firm to develop additional materials and content for use at no cost or little cost. The purpose of this RFI is to determine the needs, process, and pricing to connect the community college focused marketing content and products developed to highlight our local high school pathways that dovetail into our college pathways. Please propose cost effective methods of utilizing the materials that have already been developed to illustrate the pathway connectedness between our high school and college partners. This content and materials would drive target market inquiries to a partnership-wide web page. The partnership web page would provide limited information and cross links to active partner web pages.

Scope of Work:

The purpose of this RFI is to determine the needs, process, and pricing to connect the community college focused marketing content and products developed to highlight our local high school pathways that dovetail into our college pathways.  Please propose cost effective methods of utilizing the materials that have already been developed to illustrate the pathway connectedness between our high school and college partners. This content and materials would drive target market inquiries to a partnership-wide web page. The partnership web page would provide limited information and cross links to active partner web pages.

Due Date:

February 20th, 2019.


Cammie Ehret-Stevens, Purchasing Coordinator/Analyst

Kern Community College District

2100 Chester Avenue

Bakersfield, CA 93301

Blast PR and Highwire PR are strong candidates for this assignment.

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