Lamar State College Issues Advertising RFP

Submittal Due Date: Friday, July 14, 2023 @ 11:30 AM CST


Lamar State College Port Arthur is soliciting Request for Proposals for an advertising and marketing communications firm to develop and implement effective advertising and marketing communication programs to build and sustain enrollment growth through a diverse range of student recruitment, student retention and community outreach initiatives.

The College is the client and makes no guarantee as to the number and size of projects which may be awarded under this proposal.

Each respondent shall provide the College with a comprehensive approach to marketing and advertising with clear objectives, measurable analytics, and a broad knowledge of the target populations.

The College may elect to use in-house services and resources, including students and staff, for all or part of any project.

The College’s Public Information Department will be the firm’s point of contact throughout the contract and will coordinate the services required of the firm.

The term for the agreement will be two (2) years from contract execution with the option to renew in oneyear increments for two (2) additional years if both parties agree in writing.

Ownership of art files, templates and other materials will reside with the College. Complete art files are to be delivered to LSCPA within 7-10 business days after conclusion of each project.

The budget for this project is ~$150,000 with the budget year following the College’s fiscal budget period of September 1 to August 31.


Respondents will work closely with the College’s Public Information Coordinator to create marketing and advertising campaigns throughout the year. Responsibilities of this contract will include, but are not limited to:

• Building on established brand promise and guidelines to develop recommendations for marketing communication strategies and tactics that will more effectively integrate LSCPA’s approach to enrollment growth, student success and community support and awareness.

• Developing a plan to allocate advertising/media budget effectively to support LSCPA’s positioning strategy and to reach various target markets effectively.

• Creating and producing advertising for the various recommended media and purchasing media to execute this plan, which should include a combination of some or all regional advertising opportunities.

• Having a working knowledge, or experience with, but not limited to, the following traditional and non-traditional media platforms: television, radio, outdoor advertising, Google AdWords, Pandora radio, print publications, YouTube video advertising and social media advertising.

• Helping meet enrollment goals in a highly competitive higher education marketplace.

• Monitoring and providing analytic data to ensure the effectiveness of advertising and media expenditures.

• Revising and updating advertising and media plan to effectively deliver key messages to potentialstudents, including high school students.

• Respondents should also have in-house creative service departments that include graphic design

and photography to assist LSCPA’s Public Information Coordinator with campaign development for the above-mentioned media platforms.

• Respondents must have a working knowledge of the local market and must be able to place media buys based on industry standard ratings surveys and software in the Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana Market Area.

• Respondent must be able to meet in person on a regular basis with the Public Information Coordinator to ensure effective use of budget, creative concepts, strategic placement, brand continuity and consistency, and all other marketing, public relations and advertising strategies.

• Code (e.g.; HTML, JavaScript, etc.) and content provided by Contractor to be placed on the College’s website must be fully compliant with Texas Administrative Code 206 and Texas Administrative Code 213.

All marketing communications must speak effectively to targeted audiences which include the following:

• Prospective students

• Current students

• LSCPA internal audiences

• Parents

• High School counselors and college advisors

• Employers

• Community

• Local Industry

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