Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Issues Social Media RFP

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Issues Social Media RFP

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Issues Social Media RFP

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) requires traditional and digital media monitoring services to track coverage of the agency’s wide range of transportation initiatives.


Every year, Metro’s Media Relations Department typically conducts 50 press conferences and generates more than 100 news releases. Its Social Media staff generates daily updates on major social media channels and posts fresh content on its blogs, The Source and El Pasajero. These channels generate significant online interaction on evolving agency issues that must be continuously monitored. The requested media monitoring services vendor will assist Metro in tracking and quantifying results of regular agency business as well as individual public relations campaigns in print, online, radio and television. While Metro is primarily concerned with tracking results within the Los Angeles County region, the vendor’s media monitoring capabilities should also extend statewide and to national and international sources.

Scope of Work:

Traditional and digital media monitoring vendor requirements are as follows:

  • Flat fees, with no variable costs incurred for services.
  • License for up to five authorized users.
  • Unlimited archiving that allows Metro to freely access groups of articles on an as-needed basis. Archived articles should be accessible to all users at all times from any computer with internet access. Archives should have the ability to be exported and graphed for monthly, quarterly or yearly reports.
  • A mobile app to fully integrate the inbox and analysis features onto mobile iPhone’s and Android phones.
  • System dashboards to display parameters for any search query.
  • Widgets to help Metro visualize search results.

Service Requirements:

  • Global news and social media monitoring:

o Ability to search keywords to find specific content sources in articles and posts.

o Ability to create analytics and graphical presentations of tracked coverage. Analytics shall include brand monitoring, brand analysis, potential reach, sentiment, share of voice and advertising value equivalency, among others.

o Ability to track historical data going back several years on any topic or keyword.

o Ability to provide graphical breakdowns based on geography, volume, growth, sentiment, key themes, source or outlet.

o Ability to export data and articles.

o Ability to create customized tool that allows agency staff to create dynamic and interactive eNewsletters.

o Multiple distribution lists for internal and/or external uses.

o Social media monitoring includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other key channels.

o Ability to accurately track article sentiment.

  • Daily Newsletter:

o Daily e-mail summary of traditional and online media results.

o Newsletter should be able to be customized to send results to a large distribution list of up to 1,000 recipients.

  • Contact Database:

o Includes international news outlets and social media influencers.

o Database should provide ability to search, identify and organize contacts.

o Database should also be searchable by reporter, or publication, beat, location, channel, language and reach.

o Ability to upload contacts and export media lists as well as to email and archive press releases and advisories.

o Database should include unlimited search criteria and keywords. Users should be able to add, edit or delete keywords.

o Ability to export results in various files, including Excel, graphic or PDF.

  • News-feeds:

o Includes either XML or RSS feed that can be placed on Metro’s website, intranet or other site.

o News-feeds also required for broadcast television stories, including transcripts and recording.

  • Broadcast content database:

o TV news clips should be searchable and shareable for Metro team members.

o Video streaming of U.S.-based broadcast coverage is required.

  • Monthly reports:

o Include media exposure, reach, top influences and publications, sentiment, Geo-presence and other key media monitoring data points.

Due Date:

October 31st


Los Angeles County

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO)

One Gateway Plaza

Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952

9th Floor Receptionist

RFP No. PS55862

LA PR firms include Edelman PR and Shift Communications.

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