A & M University, Communications/Media Relations Services


Prairie View A&M University Office of Marketing and Communications is soliciting proposal(s) from qualified firms to manage an aggressive, proactive and integrated communications, media and public relations program in accordance with requirements outlined in Section 2 of this solicitation.


Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) is a public institution of higher education. Part of The Texas A&M University System, it is a land-grant university authorized under the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890. The main campus covers a total of 1,210 acres and is located in Waller County, approximately forty miles northwest of Houston and one mile north of Texas Highway 290 on University Drive (Farm Road 1098). The University also operates its Graduate School at its Northwest Campus located at 9449 Grant Road Houston, Texas, and it’s College of Nursing which is located at 6436 Fannin in Houston Texas.

PVAMU offers degrees in 50 baccalaureate, 37 masters, four doctoral degree programs through nine colleges and schools. Military Science programs include Army ROTC and Navy ROTC. Cooperative education programs are available in some departments. PVAMU is an NCAA Division I school and is  also a member of the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC). Current enrollment stands at approx. 8000 students.

Scope of Work

Media Services and Public Relations Overview

Prairie View A&M University (herein “University”) believes that strengthening our public profile and increasing awareness and understanding of our mission, vision, and offerings among strategic audiences is critical to its ongoing success. As institutions of higher education compete for students, donors, it is crucial that the local, regional and national population is aware of our University’s programs, accolades, achievements and employee expertise.

Externally, we have three main objectives as we continue to raise the level of awareness and understanding:

  • Distinguish our programs from other institutions of higher education in the region, nationally and among other Historically black colleges and universities organizations so that we attract new students, donors and supporters;
  • Promote our services, programs and abilities to local, regional and national media;
  • Create a greater public understanding of the core competencies and achievements of the University that will generate a level of goodwill that promotes and protects the Prairie View A&M University brand.
  • Strategy

Prairie View A&M University seeks to engage a firm to manage an aggressive, proactive and integrated communications, media and public relations program. To achieve our objectives, the University intends to implement a number of strategies, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Enhance the depth and breadth of media coverage to increase overall awareness and to raise the profile of the University’s efforts and accomplishments;
  • Identify strategic, high profile sponsorship events and suggest “media magnet” events that generate media coverage;
  • Cultivate proactive relationships with reporters to improve the quality and substance of the media coverage that the University receives;
  • Assist in developing an online community that includes a strong social networking component among relevant stakeholders; and
  • Develop an expert spokesperson program that features University faculty, staff and administrators in current news stories.
  • Specific Media and Public Relations Services

The selected respondent shall provide media services in support of the vision and mission of Prairie View A&M University. Activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Create an annual/monthly comprehensive strategic communication plan for The University.
  • Manage and coordinate media relationships to facilitate positive media coverage to include press releases, video press releases, advisories, media pitching, coordinating media interviews, media inquiries and similar activities for the University.
  • Proactively develop news stories or announcements throughout strategic media outlets that generate quantifiable media value to raising the University’s profile.
  • Provide guidance, training and professional development to University staff for improving media communications skills, use of social media, and emerging media.
  • Develop and produce creative informational materials for both traditional and digital media (particularly developing website content).
  • Monthly archival of online and multimedia coverage of University activities in hardcopy and electronic formats for permanent storage, reporting and reference purposes.
  • Plan and execute special events, press tours, press conferences, etc. as appropriate.
  • Monitor local, national and other on-line press articles and news stories relevant to The University and related entities for dissemination to project stakeholders
  • Provide crisis management plan, (training, as necessary) and execute crisis management in situations where such is deemed appropriate or necessary.
  • Assist in development of communications and strategy plans for all University programs.
  • Design and suggest high visibility paid media advertorials.
  • Identify opportunities for high profile sponsorships that will establish meaningful rapport between the University and neighborhoods in strategic areas resulting in grassroots and community support.
  • Secure placements in local, regional and national publications in both print, digital (traditional and non- traditional) formats as well as in educational trade and recommend and identify other strategic media to secure placements to raise the profile of the University’s work and successes
  • Provide assistance and support in the planning and execution of public forums related to all aspects of the University.
  • Assist in the management and maintain social media, such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, accounts and activity to increase social media presence. Suggest new social media platforms to promote University stories. Assist in developing a social media calendar.
  • Coordinate writing and distributing press releases and advisories in a timely manner.
  • Prepare monthly activity reports.
  • Assist with writing “evergreen” articles that can be used at anytime that highlight the University in general and generate “human interest” stories that can be placed across platforms and highlight students, faculty, alumni and staff.
  • Provide media support for notable University outreach programs and events.
  • Coordinate local, regional (and national) media tours that highlight and University programs and activities.
  • Develop website communications and assist in maintaining a monthly University blog and podcast.

Due Date:

September 10, 2017


Michael L. Simms, Sr., CTP, CPPB
Prairie View A&M University
Procurement & Contracts Office
P.O Box 519, MS 1311
Prarie View, TX 77446-0519
Fax: 936-261-1956

Email: procurementsvs@pvamu.edu<mailto:procurementsvs@pvamu.edu>

Texas PR firms include Ketchum PR and Burson-Marsteller.

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