Maine Technology Institute Seeks Marketing Firm

Maine Technology Institute Seeks Marketing Firm

Maine Technology Institute Seeks Marketing Firm

The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) is seeking proposals for comprehensive marketing services.In soliciting proposals, MTI’s objectives are to obtain high quality, reliable and cost-effective marketing services that will help the Maine Technology Institute:

  • Receive a 12-24 month commitment from a contractor.
  • Amplify its profile, mission and program offerings and services statewide and, specifically, to underserved rural areas and more mature Maine industries seeking to innovate.
  • Develop and produce marketing materials including but not limited to print, broadcast, digital, video, social media and other promotional materials and trade show exhibits
  • Develop a marketing plan, content strategy and messaging strategy that is consistent with the organization’s recently adopted strategic plan
  • Produce, prepare and/or acquire all necessary digital files, mechanical art, artwork, photographs, copyrighted materials, etc., that are required to produce advertisements and marketing materials.
  • Update, produce and print organization’s collateral marketing materials; and,
  • Assist MTI with its email marketing program. This includes monthly newsletters, periodic targeted emails, and assorted social media outlets.


The Maine Technology Institute’s core mission is to diversify and grow Maine’s economy by encouraging, promoting, stimulating, and supporting innovation and its transformation into new products, services and companies, leading to the creation and retention of quality jobs in Maine.

The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) is an industry-led, State-funded, nonprofit corporation that offers early-stage capital and commercialization assistance in the form of competitive grants, loans, and equity investments, as well as entrepreneurial guidance and mentorship, to support the research, development, and application of technologies that create new products, processes, and services, generating high-quality jobs across Maine. Additionally, MTI is asked on occasion to administer a variety of research and development-focused bonds and other initiatives on behalf of the State to stimulate private and public- sector investments in research and development infrastructure, equipment, facilities construction and renovation, and to help advance emerging technologies and innovation throughout Maine.

Since 1999, MTI has funded innovations developed by Maine inventors in garages all the way up to large public companies, world renowned research organizations, and academic institutions. We have funded diverse projects leading to innovations in gene sequencing and ocean microbial systems, guitar and surf board manufacturing, vodka from Maine potatoes, algae cultivation and eel aquaculture, to name but a few.

MTI’s programs help innovators accelerate progress to the market, help leverage additional private and public investment, help create quality jobs in Maine, and ultimately, have a positive economic impact across all of Maine. MTI has provided careful stewardship and investment of over $200 million in public funds across more than 2,000 projects throughout Maine that helped leverage over $900 million in private sector co-investment.

MTI adopted a new Strategic Plan in 2017 that builds upon MTI’s legacy and emphasizes investments in innovations, utilizes a comprehensive strategy for portfolio investments that highlights three main funding “buckets,” focuses on investments in the later stage of the innovation continuum, increases attention to geographic distribution, clarifies MTI’s commitment as a leader in Maine’s innovation economy, and collects and reports data on the organization’s performance and impact.

The strategic plan also requires that the organization ensure an outreach and marketing plan for communicating and amplifying MTI’s profile and effectiveness is designed.

Today, MTI administers a variety of financial and assistance programs that help Maine companies develop technologies into market-ready products and services, improve production processes, and access the capital that they need to grow. MTI remains the State’s only source of private-sector-focused, R&D financing leading to new products and services, job creation and other economic benefits. Its efforts have been guided by the State’s five-year innovation action plans, and its performance has been evaluated annually or bi-annually by an independent evaluation commissioned by the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development.

Scope of Work:

We seek creative, out-of-the box strategy and execution: your agency will leverage all available marketing channels – MTI branded assets and relationships; a modest media budget; and MTI staff capacity where available. You may leverage our owned channels such as our eNews, blog, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and, along with external channels such as press coverage; media events, industry relationships, influencer campaigns, workshops, webinars, event sponsorships, sponsored content, and other tactics you recommend.

Again, MTI intends to use this marketing effort to raise the organization’s statewide profile to help drive new deal flow and obtain high quality, reliable and cost-effective marketing services that will help the Maine Technology Institute:

  • Receive a 12-24 month commitment from a contractor.
  • Amplify its mission and program offerings and services statewide and, specifically, to underserved rural areas and more mature Maine industries seeking to innovate.
  • Develop and produce marketing materials including but not limited to print, broadcast, digital, video, social media and other promotional materials and trade show exhibits
  • Develop a marketing plan, content strategy and messaging strategy that is consistent with the organization’s recently adopted strategic plan: content/uploads/2015/05/MTI-Strategic-Plan.Final_.pdf
  • Accomplish implementation-marketing related tasks, in collaboration with MTI’s staff and its strategic planning facilitator.
  • Produce, prepare and/or acquire all necessary digital files, mechanical art, artwork, photographs, copyrighted materials, etc., that are required to produce advertisements and marketing materials.
  • Update, produce and print organization’s collateral marketing materials.
  • Work with MTI to develop content, design, and coordinate print production for a full color, printed annual report.
  • Review current MTI website, eNews and social media content and recommend changes/updates to make them more graphically compelling and responsive as resources and to enhance traffic and user ability; and,
  • Assist MTI with its email marketing program. This includes monthly newsletters, periodic targeted emails, and assorted social media outlets.

This is an aggressive scope and we welcome innovative ways of executing on it; don’t let the scope of work limit your creativity. If your strategy can help us achieve our goals, we’re open to your proposal.

Due Date:

November 27th


Maine Technology Institute
8 Venture Avenue
Brunswick Landing Brunswick, Maine 04011

Agencies who could be considered include Finn Partners and Ruder Finn.

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