Marketing And Branding Firm Sought For Boulder Institute of Microfinance

Public Relations News

Public Relations News

The Boulder Institute of Microfinance is seeking a marketing and branding firm – they are the paramount training institution working to contribute to the development of inclusive financial services for over two decades, Boulder Institute has trained over 5,000 professionals.  Boulder Institute is known for helping finance professionals understand the changes needed to effectively serve lower‐ income markets in their countries in a way that no other institution is able to develop.

Boulder has a strong global brand that is tied to its MFT Programs. Boulder MFTs are unique in offering participants the option to select among 12 ‐ 40 courses depending on the program, allowing them to tailor their experience to their individual needs and interests. Boulder MFT’s are one of the few global spaces where microfinance institutions, support organizations and government agencies convene to talk about the issues that matter most in financial inclusion.

They are seeking an agency to:

n  Analyze the current Boulder Institute of Microfinance brand positioning assuring a wide outreach to stakeholders

n  Analyze the positioning of BI’s training programs offered at present assuring a wide outreach to stakeholders

The marketing strategy would allow Boulder to:

−                    Provide clear direction as to how the Boulder brand and marketing can be improved and is updated to lead us into our third decade.

−                    Better understand the Boulder brand and propose strategies on how we can build on its strengths while distinguishing it from the long‐standing Boulder MFT.


Proposal due on May 24, 2016 to:

Boulder Institute of Microfinance

120 E Washington Street Suite 200

Syracuse, New York 13202, USA

+1 (315) 760-3091

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