Marketing Communications RFP


The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) is a not-for-profit public agency established in 1923

when residents voted to form EBMUD, paving the way for the infrastructure that we rely on today

to bring water from the Sierra Nevada to the East Bay. EBMUD began wastewater treatment

operations in 1951 and has led the industry with innovative pollution prevention programs and

cutting-edge wastewater energy initiatives. We employ a diverse workforce of approximately 1,900

employees working in multiple locations throughout the Bay Area as well as in San Joaquin,

Calaveras, and Amador counties.

EBMUD’s mission is to manage the natural resources with which the District is entrusted; to

provide reliable, high-quality water and wastewater services at fair and reasonable rates for the

people of the East Bay; and to preserve and protect the environment for future generations.

EBMUD remains a lifeline in the Bay Area, delivering high-quality water to more than 1.4 million

customers in Alameda and Contra Costa counties and serving 740,000 wastewater customers to

protect public health and the San Francisco Bay.


EBMUD will celebrate its 100th anniversary in May 2023. We plan to use various events, platforms,

and tools to maximize engagement with our diverse communities about the important role of

water and wastewater services in the East Bay while sharing our history, priorities, and vision for

the next 100 years. While some activities will occur on or near the District’s anniversary in May

2023, the centennial will be integrated in EBMUD activities and programs throughout the calendar

year. Themes will highlight the District’s innovation, infrastructure investment, diverse trailblazers

within EBMUD history, and its pivotal role in safeguarding public health and the environment over

the last century. All outreach and historical materials will be inclusive and representative of our

diverse community. Materials developed for the centennial will be used for long-term outreach and

educational purposes, in recruitments, and to strengthen community relations and understanding.

General Project Scope

It is the intent of these specifications, terms, and conditions to describe the four parts of EBMUD’s

100th Anniversary Campaign (Marketing Communications and Video Production Services) that are

being requested by the District:

• Production of Centennial Videos

• Centennial Logo, Style Guide, Templates, and Post-Centennial Style Recommendations

• Historical Digital Flipbook

• Centennial Marketing Campaign and Social Media Plan

The main campaign objective is to educate the public on the following themes:

• WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: We are dedicated to our diverse community, public health,

and the environment.

• WHAT WE DO: We protect public health and natural resources and provide high-quality

water and wastewater services to the community.

• HOW WE DO IT: We invest in our employees, infrastructure, and our community with

innovative solutions.

RFP Issued March 18, 2022

Response Due April 5, 2022 by 5:00 p.m.

Complete Proposal Review and Evaluation April 19, 2022

Vendor Notification April 20, 2022

Anticipated Contract Start Date May 10, 2022

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