Marketing Consultant Services RFP Issued


Proposal Due Date:

Thursday, August 18, 2022

At 5:00 PM

Submit RFQ&P via email to:

Kellie Silva at

Due Date

Thursday, August 18, 2022

5:00 PM


As one of the largest of California’s 73 community college districts, the San Diego Community College District serves approximately 100,000 students annually at its three, credit colleges, San Diego City College, Mesa College, Miramar College, and seven campuses of San Diego college of Continuing Education.

The colleges offer associate degrees, continuing education and career technical certificates that prepare students for transfer to universities and/or career pathways with higher paying jobs. In addition, Mesa College now offers a bachelor’s degree in Health Information Management as part of California’s Baccalaureate Pilot Program.

The San Diego Community College District employs more than 6,000 employees.


The San Diego Community College District has a recurring and ongoing need for specialized marketing services in support of the districtwide marketing campaign. The goal for marketing services is achieve college enrollment goals by creating a districtwide marketing campaign that raises awareness and builds excitement about the high quality programs available at San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar, and seven campuses of San Diego college of Continuing Education. The colleges have determined the need for a pool of qualified firms to assist in the determination of its short and long-term marketing strategies and implementing the plans moving forward.


•Achieve a high level of visibility in the San Diego market with emphasis on how we connect with students with employment opportunities

•Highlight what differentiates each of the colleges and why students should enroll

•Identify distinct market segments to be targeted with special emphasis on students who have been disproportionately impacted during the pandemic; also target students identified in the Student Centered Funding Formula who will yield the greatest return

•Establish a 12-month marketing calendar and align the campaign with marketing and outreach efforts underway at the colleges

•Boost enrollment in San Diego Promise, including both graduating high school seniors and other special populations such as veterans, foster youth, homeless individuals, and DACA/Dreamers

•Shift emphasis to include more direct messaging about career pathways and transfer opportunities

•Strengthen retention efforts by emphasizing support services and other resources available to current students

•Secure participation by each of the college presidents as a way of personalizing the message

•Utilize more video in the campaign as a way of featuring our beautiful campuses but also as a way of showing the tremendous diversity at our District

•Develop a multi-lingual campaign to ensure we reach all parts of the community


All questions regarding this RFQ&P should be sent, via e-mail to Kellie Silva at

Questions will only be accepted until July 28, 2022 no later than 5:00 PM. The e-mail subject line should read: “Your company name/Questions regarding RFQ&P No. 23-01.” No direct responses will be sent to the company/firm asking the question. Questions will be answered in the form of an Addendum and sent to all potential respondents by end of day on August 11, 2022. All addendums to this RFQ&P will be posted on the District’s web site,


It shall be the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that Proposals are received via email submission per the instructions below:

Proposals are to be submitted, via e-mail, to the Purchasing Department no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Submit Proposal to: The Proposal must be emailed to the address above as an attachment in Word or PDF format and not exceed file size of 10MB. Proposals with documents exceeding 10MB in size should be saved to a smaller file size or split up and sent as separate emails. Subject line of e-mail containing submitted proposal should include and read “name of your company/submittal for RFQ&P No. 23-01 (“Email 1 of XX” if more than one).” You are encouraged to call 619-388-6562 to confirm receipt of your electronically submitted proposal.


The District intends to award Contracts and subsequent Purchase Orders to a pool of qualified professional marketing consultants/creative agencies for specialized marketing services in support of districtwide and college-focused marketing campaigns.


I)Marketing campaign development and media buying and placement services may include the following:1.Geofencing and geotargeting efforts

2.Mobile advertising

3.Over-the-Top advertising

4.Social Media advertising, including videos

5.Google AdWords

6.Search retargeting

7.Display advertising

8.Email advertising

9.Radio and TV advertising

10.Out of Home (OOH), including outdoor, transit, etc.

II)Creative services may include the following:1.Copy writing

2.Graphic design


4.Multimedia production

5.Market research


III)Analytics and reporting Services as needed by the District and colleges.

IV)Additional marketing services as needed by the District and colleges.

List of Anticipated Projects – General Marketing (for reference only, and is not limited to the projects listed below)

1.Marketing campaigns to promote enrollment.

2.Marketing campaigns to promote career education programs

3.Marketing campaigns to promote special events

4.Marketing campaigns to promote specific academic and grant funded programs such asthe San Diego Promise

5.Others to be determined


Services may include the following:

  1. Advertising:oDevelop targeted campaigns.

o Cultivate research-based messages and creative executions that are simple, consistent and credible.

focused on equity and reaching target audiences and programs.

2. Business, Labor and Industry Outreach:

develop a media strategy that will increase work-based learning opportunities i.e.apprenticeships, internships by connecting business and community colleges including collateral.

3. Creative Development: focus on the short-term certificates, target audiences, specific program collateral, and noncredit marketing, employer marketing.

4. Research baseline Awareness Survey

Equity Research

o Student Media Preferences or related/similar information

o Research on hard-to-convert programs

5. Social Media Paid Campaigns

6. Landing Pages for use in marketing campaigns.

7. Media

8. Administrative Services

9. Additional marketing support as needed

List of anticipated projects for Regional Marketing (for reference only, and is not limited to the projects listed below)

  1. Marketing campaigns to promote enrollment for fall, spring, and summer

2.Report for Community College Chancellor, Presidents and PIO’s

3. Overview report for the marketing campaign

4. Marketing videos

5. Various printed and digital marketing collateral

6. Marketing campaigns for the Strong Workforce Program

7. Media buys

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