Marketing RFP Issued By City of Dayton, Ohio

west green ohio university robert powell

Due Date for Proposals: 3:30 PM local (Dayton OH) time on September 29, 2022

SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.01 PURPOSE AND NEED / PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The City of Dayton (COD), Department of Water is seeking proposals from highly experienced firms that have over 5 years of experience working with a water utility company to provide professional marketing and branding services for our targeted audience:

• Residential Customers 

• Industrial and Business Customers 

• Potential Customers 

The selected Proposer must have the resources, utility experience and abilities to provide (but not limited to), marketing strategies, marketing campaign strategies, design services, marketing collaterals, creative and technical services, and other related services. This proposal is for all services listed above. No partial services will be awarded.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION. The City of Dayton is located within a ban of four rivers and overlying the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer (GMBVA) is one of the most prolific aquifers in North America. The GMBVA stores over 1.5 trillion gallons of water and provides drinking water to over 1.6 million people in the southwest Ohio.

The City provides water to 400,000 residents in Dayton and Montgomery County and other surrounding communities. The Department of Water takes pride in its long history of service to the region since 1869. The Department of Water has engaged in marketing activities for over the last 16 years to not only promote its high quality affordable, great tasting water and water services; but, to also provide education, outreach, and awareness to our customers and the community at large.

We have built a brand that is highly respected and recognized though out the Dayton region and nationally. Our marketing services require more than just creating typical marketing materials and collaterals, our firm must have a full understanding of the business of a water utility and water industry trends etc. To this end, daily, we meet with our marketing firm to ensure the integrity and protection of our brand. We create marketing campaigns, strategies, and initiatives that are extremely strategic to engage our consumers and customer base to create brand affinity, trust, and transparency. 2.03 SCOPE OF WORK / TESTING REQUIREMENTS.

Contact: All communications regarding the RFP process to:

City of Dayton, Department of Water

Karen Thomas

320 West Monument Ave

Dayton, Ohio 45402

Telephone: (937) 333-3709

Fax: (937) 333-6770


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