Marketing RFP Issued By Crescent City, Florida


It is the intent of the City of Crescent City, Florida, (City) and its CRA Board (Also referenced herein as “The Board”) to select a professional company, consultant teams, and/or an individual contractor to create a Brand Identity/Platform and identify a clear marketing strategy and plan for Crescent City’s downtown area and the city at large. This Strategy/Plan should represent the varied economic sectors of our collaborators and be used for residential, business and visitor recruitment. A marketing campaign will focus on delivering the Brand and instilling a sense of pride inside the downtown and the city as well as create design standards for future marketing and communication material.

Visioning and Revitalization Efforts Overview Since the late 1990s, the City of Crescent City has undertaken several revitalization efforts to better plan for and focus quality development and services citywide. Major efforts have included planning for the Downtown area through the creation of a Community Redevelopment Area and Redevelopment Plan, The 2018 Community Redevelopment Plan Update, and a Hotel Feasibility Study. The preliminary focus of this RFP is to develop a Brand for Crescent City’s downtown that defines identity and market position and to create a Marketing Strategy to implement and solidify that Brand in the hearts and minds of local and regional residents, businesses, and visitors

Scope of Work:

The City/CRA is seeking qualified firms to develop a Brand and Marketing Strategy to solidify the brand and deliver the message of the brand promise to the residents, businesses and visitors of Crescent City.

The resulting plan will include:

• A Branding platform for Crescent City with tag line, Downtown Crescent City with tag line, brand the statement, colors, fonts, logo treatments for the Downtown, the Community Redevelopment Agency, the Crescent City Main Street organization as well as current and potential downtown events. It will also include brand extension design elements for use in marketing the downtown with advertisements, brochures, letterhead, business cards, banners, CRA website, Crescent City Main Street website, wayfinding, etc.;

• A marketing strategy and advertising campaign based on the Brand;

The proposed scope of services is listed below must be addressed in a formal proposal to the City/CRA.

A. Develop a Brand for Crescent City downtown: The Consultant shall develop a Brand platform from which marketing efforts can develop. Brand elements shall include logos (Downtown Crescent City, The Crescent City CRA, Crescent City Main Street and potential special events such as Downtown Street Parties, Wine Tastings, Chocolate Strolls, Car Shows, etc. to extend the brand); fonts, color palette, and design elements/icons. The Consultant shall present examples of brand extensions such as pole banners (i.e. “Welcome to Downtown Crescent City!”), wayfinding, event posters, website template, letterhead, business cards, etc.

B. Marketing Plan: Develop a Marketing Strategy to solidify the brand and deliver the message of the brand promise to the residents, businesses, and visitors of New Port Richey.

D. Deliverables:

a. 3 meetings with staff to coordinate as the project progresses. Hourly for additional meetings requested by the City;

b. Minimum monthly reports outlining significant meetings, discussions, actions and results;

c. Consultant shall present a draft of the Brand and Marketing Plan to the CRA Board prior to finalizing the deliverables, for the purpose of receiving feedback and making revisions at the direction of the Board.

d. 7 copies of the Branding Packet Booklet and 1 copy in electronic format (pin drive), including the following;

i. Downtown logo and tag line

ii. Crescent City Main Street logo

iii. Brand color palette and font styles

iv. Brand statement

v. Samples of ad copy/layouts

vi. Pole banner designs

vii. Brochure designs – shopping guide, visitors guide, recruitment packet, etc.

viii. Wayfinding graphic design (not the actual wayfinding system)

ix. Design for Letterhead, business cards

x. Collateral designs such as shirts, water bottles, hats, (swag), etc.

e. Electronic version of final documents must be provided in a compressed or web view as well as a printer-ready version.

Due Date: October 1, 2021 no later than 4:00 pm


The CRA Board will receive Proposals at the following address and clearly marked on the outside:


City of Crescent City

City Manager

3 N. Summit Street

Crescent City, FL 32112

Relevant agencies to consider include Prosek Partners and Finn Partners. 

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