ESTIMATED BOARD APPROVAL DATE: Tuesday, December 20, 2022

SUBMISSION: To submit a response, Respondent must email the below information (1-4) to request an access invitation link to the ShareFile system.


H-GAC seeks a Contractor to work with the Commute Solutions team to support shifting travel behavior towards cycling, and to complete, at a minimum, the following tasks:

Task 1: Cloud-Based Digital Platform Provide a digital platform that, at a minimum, meets the following requirements:

§ Registers, encourages, and engages participants to take up riding

§ Uses behavioral science to increase biking transportation mode shift

§ Provides access to H-GAC approved bike safety education and resources

§ Hosts biking challenges and campaigns with leaderboards for individuals and organizations.

§ Collects and analyses rider and trip data coordinated with our regional platform, ConnectSmart

§ Collects demographic data: gender, age, ethnicity, disability status

§ Collects transportation behavioral insights: barriers to and benefits of biking; future riding behavior

§ Provides a self-service option to pull custom reports on all data collected including registrants, activity within the platform, trips taken

§ Allows for badges and rewards and notifications and emails to participants

§ Allows for challenges based on miles and trips taken

§ Allows for participants to compete on teams and as individuals

§ Leaderboard shows top employers, top individuals, and top teams

§ Provides connections with Strava

§ Includes an application programming interface (API) The application must follow applicable guidelines and best practices listed on:

§ OWASP Cheat Sheet Series | OWASP Foundation

§ Securing Web Application Technologies: [SWAT] Checklist | SANS Institute the Contractor must maintain post-implementation support to remedy any security vulnerability that may occur. 

Task 1 Deliverable − Cloud-based digital platform (preferably with phone app) that meets the criteria above.

Task 2: Campaign Planning and Management Plan, manage, and coordinate an annual series of at least two public education, awareness and marketing campaigns based in behavioral science aimed at increasing cycling for transportation. 

§ Develop a workplan for the series that incorporates recommended campaigns, campaign strategy and details, how the platform in Task 1 will be incorporated, as well as the bike safety program offered by H-GAC. This plan will also need to include a timeline, staffing plan, other resources required, goals and objectives.

§ Identify specific key performance indicators to gauge success in meeting goals and objectives

§ Conduct post campaign evaluation of the performance indicators Task 2 Deliverables − Workplan (MS Word). − Evaluation and related reports (MS Word and PDF).

Task 3: Promotional Content Development/Distribution Produce marketing and promotional content that:

§ Uses behavioral science and nudge theory to move people along the path to using bicycles for transportation

§ Can be used across print and digital media Contractor will work with H-GAC to co-distribute non-social media materials. H-GAC staff will provide input regarding and approve materials and will manage design and printing of materials, and social media distribution.

Task 3 Deliverable − Copies of any content developed to support the campaign. Content must be audience appropriate and in Spanish and English at minimum (MS Word and/or PDF).

Task 4: Community Outreach Coordinate with local bike stakeholders, area businesses, and community members, while representing themselves as a member of the Commute Solutions Team to increase engagement and participation in, and education about the campaign. At any time, Contractor is acting as an agent/representative of H-GAC, Commute Solutions, and or any of H-GAC’s programs, Contractor must exercise the highest duty of care to the participants/clients/customers of the Commute Solutions program. 

§ Record activity in Commute Solutions Zoho database (including organization, organization type, contacts, contact type, meeting, call and event dates, descriptions and status information and results from activity – i.e., new registrants, etc.) 

Task 4 Deliverables − Monthly Zoho Report documenting coordination efforts (Excel Format) including: o Date of activity o Method/type of outreach o Organization/stakeholder, business, user contact information on Goal of effort/performance measurement (e.g., increase of X% of new users/riders/participants split by type such as business/individual/club/etc.) o How well those goals/targets were met o Summary description, next steps from activity, lessons learned and challenges/solutions.

Task 5: Project Management Plan Provide a project management plan that will be folded into H-GAC’s overall Project Management Plan (PMP). Elements in the PMP will include:

§ Identifying responsibilities, coordination/communication procedures, and quality assurance and quality control procedures.

§ A project activity timeline for all contractor work (hereafter referred to as the Project Schedule). The Project Schedule will be a graphic schedule / timeline (Gantt chart), identifying the duration and/or tentative dates for all tasks, meetings, and deliverables in this scope of services, as well as any other information deemed relevant by the H-GAC Staff, project partners, and the Contractor.

§ A plan for internal communications with the Contractor’s work team and with H-GAC.

§ The Level of Effort for each Task and identify the responsible task leaders. Task 5 Deliverable − Project Management Plan (Word)

Task 6: Progress Reports Prepare monthly progress reports which include, but not limited to:

§ Activities, ongoing or completed, during the reporting period (pulled from Zoho).

§ Activities planned for the following month (pulled from Zoho).

§ Description of problems encountered, and remedial actions taken.

§ Project status report detailing milestones completed and a tabulation of percent complete by task.

§ Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reduction and mode shift based on activity.

§ Requests for information from H-GAC, as needed, to complete work effort. Task 6 Deliverable − Monthly Progress Reports (Word, Excel or PDF)

Task 7: Project Meetings Attend (key personnel only) bi-weekly project update meetings (in person, online, or via conference call) with H-GAC to discuss outstanding issues and necessary preparations for upcoming events and activities.

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