Marketing RFP Issued By Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

Deadline of Submitting EOI: 28-Oct-2022 11:59 PM 

Contact Information

Project Officer: Mariam Jangulashvili



1. The project will engage a social marketing and advertising firm (Consultant) to implement all aspects of marketing communication plan, that has two goals: First – promote vocational education among various stakeholders (students, youth, public and private entities, media, government bodies, international partners) and second – increase visibility of Ministry of Education and Science (MOES) and Skills Agency activities to improve the quality, market-responsive VET education, and access to all programs in line with the labor market demands. Special accent will be made on increasing women and girls’ participation in VET with a focus on programs traditionally dominated by men (i.e., ICT and engineering). The assignment of a digital marketing agency will commence on Fall 2022 and will have a duration of 4 years, till Fall 2026. The marketing communication plan will be produced by the consultant and will serve as a blueprint for its activities.

1. Objectives of the Assignment: (i) Contribute to improvement of knowledge and understanding about the value of VET in Georgia and the opportunities offered to enter diverse careers that are in-demand on Georgian labor market and industry; (ii) Increase women’s and minority groups’ participation in vocational education programs; (iii) Create modern communication platform for the stakeholders in TVET sector.

2. Tasks The selected consultant will work closely with the Skills Agency’s communication team, the project implementation unit (PIU) team and the PIU project director, Gender and social inclusion specialist, other project/Agency team members and various stakeholders to achieve the objective of the assignment. Detailed tasks include but are not limited to:

(i)                  Work with the media outlets: TV, Press, Online Media, Radio and implement PR campaigns, which might include news stories, talk show discussions, analytical and promotional articles, meet ups with the media representatives. This task also includes the management of advertising placement in media and creation of related media plan. Consultant should organize following types of PR campaigns:


i.                     Campaign including couple of leading/regional TV networks, 3 – 4 main online media, 2 – 3 print media, 2-3 radio channels with integrated messaging that will bring story to the public. It may include TV studio visits, interviews, TV stories, articles. 

ii.                   Campaign in specialized media where concrete segment will be targeted with refined messaging.

For example, messages targeted to business sector in business media outlets. Online campaigns using own platforms for blogging and promoting it though social media.

  • (Work with influencers to involve in the promotion of vocational education. Influencers might be chosen from various fields, such as small and corporate business, culture, public sector. Consultant should demonstrate its experience in involving influencers in the communication campaigns, in following ways:
  • Use influencers in video testimonial to promote the cause ii. Involve influencer in an event dedicated to certain cause promotion.
  • Mobilize influencers to discuss certain topics on social media, creating viral buzz.
  • Organize and manage social media presence for Skills Agency’s positioning as well as promoting of VET. This task includes mainly following platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and may expand to TikTok or other similar platforms necessary for tactical goals. The firm should manage the creation of content (written copy, visuals) on these platforms, posting schedule and promotion through ads.
  • Organize events: Choosing event space, organizing event decoration, guests flow and whole event journey. Manage event promotion, pre and post communication. Consultant should demonstrate its experience in organizing following events:

i.                     Closed event for specialized audience, around 100 people, discussion roundtable or workshop.

ii.                    ii. Entertainment and educational event for several hundred people, open space or indoors.

iii.                 For example, type of market fair, University campus event etc.

iv.                 iii. Job fair, forum with up to thousand visitors for 2-3 days, presentation spaces and exhibition corners.

v.                   Prepare creative concepts as well as final communication products, such as Video, visual ads, blogs and articles, event communication materials (banners, brochures, standers, etc.) Creative concepts might be needed for following type of communication products: Animation Video, Documentary Video, Real shooting with a plot, static visual.

vi.                  Create a website for the Skills Agency. Details of this task are given separately bellow. Webpage deliverables: Main sections and their functions in new website that must be developed are the following: The new webpage should serve as a hub for all the stakeholders interested in vocational education and training.

It will contain general information about the essence of vocational education, main actors in this field: governmental organizations, donors, and partners, private and public colleges.

Website will describe the structure and activities of newly established Skills Development Agency, which is the central actor in advancing the quality and development of the vocational education as well as activities implemented together with various international donors. 

The pages of the website will integrate VET related existing digital platforms (,,, Agency’s Internal Communication platform (IntraNet),,,,, digital learning platforms for instance to create one brand concept. The website will contain pictures and videos, the density and complexity of the information, that must be placed on the webpage, can be found above-mentioned platforms. Apart from general information about the developments and activities in vocational education field, the website should contain a catalogue of colleges, so that interested students or teachers, or any other party should be able to filter and search the educational facility that matches their interest.

The list of colleges and courses are given on and must be incorporated in the new website. Consequently, the new website will be on the one hand an information hub, first-hand information provider about vocational education, main actors, developments in the field etc. and on the other hand, a place where interested parties can find where to study, teach or launch new partnerships with vocational education colleges, donor operating in the field or the government agency overlooking it. Thus, the main areas of new website can be classified as: 

1. Information about Skills Development Agency: structure, mission, projects implemented, plans.

2. Vocational Education field: governing bodies, policies, main players 

3. Donors and partners: International organizations, private sector; joint projects and opportunities.

4. Cooperation 

with Asian Development Bank – ADB: Scope and mission, activities, achievements. 

5. Newsfeed 6. For students 7. For teachers 

8. For potential partners 

9. El-resources (Digitalization) 

10. Internationalization 

3. Key Experts’ TORs Marketing Communication Agency shall make available for the assignment the following key experts: · Credentials for all staff, freelancers, subcontractors that are planned to be involved in the process. The credentials should clearly describe the actual projects implemented that show relevant experience for the role assigned. 

· Portfolio of the agency, describing joint projects with freelancers and subcontractors

· Portfolio of the agency, concentrating on the projects where proposed internal staff were involved, describing their role in the process.

· General agency profile, overview of best projects and achievements. Consultant should provide information regarding the following key actors: Agency Management: Main decision makers in the firm, founder/general manager, their experience, and achievements. 


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