The Department is seeking a qualified advertising agency to develop the Page County brand, provide a variety of website services, and promote tourism to the area. The Department and the Page County Tourism Council (“Council”) oversees the production of a variety of marketing activities, including multimedia advertising, visitor publications and maps, cooperative programs, public relations, and tradeshows.
These activities are designed to promote Page County to travelers, tourists, and local residents. For each of the following objectives, the Offeror should provide sufficient detail to prove capability and describe the strategies and quality controls that will be used. Please include examples of past projects. Additionally, the Offeror should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Page County brand in the marketplace and the shifting dynamics of how consumers receive and use information today.
Scope of Work:
Create, host, launch, and promote tourism website a. Develop website and brand b. Create and implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies c. Continuously provide website editing, software updates, SEO updates, and site backups d. Provide website analytics and SEO package to maximize website search success 2. Create and develop digital content, including the following: a. Style guides b. Photography c. Videography 3. Provide assistance with social media management 4. Provide graphic design support and design consultation services for various marketing opportunities
Due Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Address: Bids should be mailed to Tyler Olsen, County of Page, 103 South Court Street, Suite F, Luray, VA 22835.
Relevant agencies to consider include Coyne PR and Zeno Group.