Marketing RFP issued By Skagit County Public Hospital District #304

Skagit County Public Hospital

DUE DATE: before 3:00 pm on September 15, 2023.

To assess our current brand awareness and provide marketing strategies to strengthen our brand awareness within our voting district.


United General District 304 (District 304) is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants or firms (Vendors) to provide brand and marketing expertise to enhance the

District 304 brand and raise awareness about our programs in the communities we serve.

Background Information

United General District 304 (District 304) is the business name for Skagit County Public

Hospital District #304. A hospital district is a community-focused, governmental entity

authorized by law to deliver health services. District 304’s Board of Commissioners has

five (5) seats representing the population of Skagit County Public Hospital District No.

304 and are elected by the voters within the district to six (6) year terms as per RCW

70.44.040 . Since 1965, we have maintained hospital services to provide care for the

residents of more than 2,000 square miles in Skagit County.

However, in April 2014, the District entered into an operating agreement with

PeaceHealth to provide direct clinical and hospital services at the United General

campus and within District 304 boundaries. They now operate the existing hospital as

PeaceHealth United General Medical Center (PHUGMC).

District 304’s mission is to improve the health and quality of life for the residents of the

communities it serves. We currently employ approximately 40 full-time and part-time

staff. Our work focuses on six areas of wellbeing: Active Living, Community &

Professional Education, Engaged Youth & Communities, Healthy Eating, Thriving

Children & Families, and Stewarding Assets & Opportunities. District 304 operates from:

Services/Scope of Work

In early 2023, after a small team of District 304 staff began exploring a levy lift, we

recognized the need to strengthen brand awareness to distinguish District 304

programs from those of PeaceHealth, United General Hospital, and other local hospital

districts. Through informal focus groups, community outreach, and conversations with

key stakeholders, we determined an experienced consultant would be the most effective

way to build community awareness about who we are, the health and wellness

programs we offer, and how they benefit Skagit County residents.

District 304 is interested in proposals which would provide the following services:

Brand Analysis:

• Conduct a thorough assessment of our current brand awareness, positioning, and market perception across all relevant channels.

Brand Strategy Development

• Identify opportunities and strategies to differentiate ourselves from other entities with similar names and/or services.

• Define our unique qualities and key messaging to convey our brand’s essence effectively to our core demographic in the communities we serve.

• Propose strategies to monitor and manage our brand’s reputation effectively.

Content and Communication Strategy

• Devise a content strategy that reflects our brand personality, emphasizes that we

are publicly owned and community focused and resonates with our core audience(s).

• Suggest effective communication channels and messaging to enhance brand awareness and engagement as well as associating our DBA name with our legal name.

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