The City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department (EMD) is seeking a
Contractor to develop a family-focused, multiple-month, multimedia disaster
preparedness marketing and outreach campaign (“Media Campaign”), throughout areas
of the city near the water, such as San Pedro Harbor, Mar Vista and Venice will serve
to inform and educate businesses and individuals who live work and play in the area,
including youth, families, seniors, and persons with disabilities, about how essential and
simple it is to prepare for tsunamis.
The readiness message must include the registration for emergency alerts through
NotifyLA (the City’s Mass Notification System), the preparation of emergency supply kits,
developing a household or commuter disaster plan and communications plan using the
Ready Your Los Angeles Neighborhood (RYLAN) program, and understanding how to
prepare for and respond to natural and human-induced hazards and emergencies, as well
as planning for climate impacts. In particular, the focus of this campaign should include
information specific to tsunami events that could occur in the Los Angeles County region.
The City of Los Angeles is committed to increasing the preparedness and resilience of its
communities and their ability to recover after a disaster. The Mayor of Los Angeles has
recognized the value of disaster planning in helping communities mitigate, prepare for,
respond to, and recover from emergencies.
EMD hosts an alert system that uses multiple ways to reach stakeholders if there is a
threat to life or property. The system, called NotifyLA, encourages stakeholders to sign
up for alert platforms that are most relevant to where they live, work, and spend time in
Los Angeles, as well as providing multiple points of contacts, multiple addresses for
alerts, and setting language preferences.
Due to the number of potentially impacted communities along the coastline of the City of
Los Angeles, the City wishes to provide a media campaign for more consistent,
diversified messaging targeting English and Spanish speaking communities in areas
such as San Pedro Harbor, Venice and Mar Vista.
The City of Los Angeles is in need of a better informed and prepared public in order to
survive large water borne disasters such as tsunamis. The general LA population and visitors need more consistent, diversified messaging and formats designed to
accommodate persons with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.
While 13 of the 16 nationally recognized hazards can occur in the Los Angeles region,
at least 75% of the public in the region are not ready for any type of disaster. This
project would enhance stakeholder readiness by providing paid for contemporary
messaging that appeals to Angelenos within the targeted areas for tsunami events.
The media campaign and materials should encourage individuals to develop a
commuter or household plan and adhere to warnings issued by local and federal
government agencies. The tsunami readiness campaign should highlight, among other
points, the significance of tsunami signage, evacuation routes, how to get to a safe
place, how to develop a commuter or household plan, the different levels of tsunami
threats, the different types of notifications with increasing severity (watch, advisory,
warning, etc.), and the importance of signing up for emergency alerts such as NotifyLA
For more information on NotifyLA, visit https://emergency.lacity.org/alerts/notifyla
This tsunami readiness media campaign shall maximize delivery of preparedness
messaging to as many Los Angeles stakeholders as possible and must include multi
hazard messaging via different modalities such as television, radio, digital print, internet,
social media, electronic billboards, public service announcements, business windows,
and community outreach events components.
The media campaign goals shall include:
● Strengthen information sharing and collaboration capabilities;
● Strengthen planning and stakeholder preparedness capabilities;
● Increase community resilience and involvement;
● Enhance the dissemination of emergency public information;
● Improve collaboration and program support (among internal and external
● Increase the number of registrants to NotifyLA.org, the City’s mass notification
system by a minimum of 3,000 new registrants;
● Increase social media audience (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and
● Develop Public Service Announcements;
● Implement Ad placements;
● Identify and utilize a celebrity spokesperson who is an Angeleno;
● Inform the LA County Coastline and individuals such as LA County Lifeguards)
● Provide multilingual products in English and Spanish that are based on
demographics of the targeted audience
● Include media formats accessible to individuals with disabilities and others with
access and functional needs (for example, large print, Braille)
Proposer/Contractor1 shall perform the following work:
● Conduct a comprehensive literature review of all relevant research and prior communications programs regarding emergency alerts.
● Research prior literature with a focus on tsunamis.
● Research and survey the Los Angeles Region’s attitude towards tsunami preparedness with a specific focus on the target populations in San Pedro Harbor, Venice, and Mar Vista. In addition, registrations for NotifyLA among these communities should be researched and surveyed to inform the campaign.
● Research and provide educational materials regarding tsunami signage that may already be present within the jurisdiction. People may not have seen the existing tsunami signage, may not be familiar with tsunami efforts, or may not understand the content’s purpose and significance.
● Assess the current landscape and readiness efforts that are in place by interviewing local organizations and community groups that are already mobilized behind preparedness efforts.
● Interview top issue experts and utilize social listening tools to gather key insights on the cultural conversation and audience sentiment across all relevant platforms.
● Conduct custom qualitative research in the form of focus groups with target audience(s) to build actionable insights.
● Use surveys to test initial hypotheses and messaging approaches and gather channel-specific insights from media planning tools.
● Use agile learning tools, User Interface/User Experience (UIX/UXI) testing and rapid testing to gain immediate feedback, ensuring the message is optimized for the target audience—i.e., stakeholders of Los Angeles and guests.
● Maintain the goal of reaching the right audience at the right time with the right message about emergency alerts with an emphasis on tsunamis that will empower people to take action and increase the City of Los Angeles’ resilient response to disasters.
● Work with EMD to select an influential Angeleno to serve as the spokesperson for the campaign.
● Track engagement across websites, social media platforms, and other digital properties the campaign is hosted on.
● Determine the appropriate integration of NotifyLA (the City’s Mass Notification System) and the RYLAN program as it relates to printed and digital media.
● inform staff in the City of Los Angeles, 15 Council District Offices, and may be asked to explain the Media Campaign to Council staff
● Inform board members of the City’s 99 Neighborhood Councils (NC) and may be asked to explain the Media Campaign to NCs.
Section 1: Introductions
Contractor will meet with EMD and use findings from the LA City Tsunami Seminar to
assist with initial discussions on where LA City stands within the region in terms of
providing public education regarding tsunami preparedness.
Section 2: Research
In preparation, the contractor shall perform a comprehensive literature review of all
relevant research and prior communications programs regarding emergency alerts with a
focus on tsunamis before assessing the current landscape.
The Contractor shall interview top issue experts and utilize social listening tools to gather
key insights on the cultural conversation and audience sentiment across all relevant
Section 3: Community Engagement and Surveying
The Contractor shall conduct custom qualitative research in the form of focus groups, with
target audience(s) to build actionable insights.
The Contractor will use surveys to test initial hypotheses and messaging approaches and
gather channel-specific insights from media planning tools.
The Contractor should use agile learning tools, UI/UX testing and rapid testing to gain
immediate feedback, ensuring the message is optimized for the target audience—
stakeholders of Los Angeles and guests.
The Contractor should maintain the goal of reaching the right audience at the right time
with the right message about emergency alerts with an emphasis on tsunamis that will
empower people to take action and increase the City of Los Angeles’ resilient response
to disasters.
Section 4: Crafting the Message
The media campaign and materials should encourage individuals to sign up for
emergency alerts through NotifyLA and use RYLAN and develop disaster plans for their
realities such as for personal safety no matter their living conditions, or for home, work,
commuting, pets, and for each member of the family such as seniors and small children,
as well as adhering to warnings issued by local and federal government agencies. The
tsunami readiness campaign should highlight, among other points, the importance of
having a plan, evacuation routes, the different levels of tsunami threats (watch, advisory,
warning, etc.), and the importance of signing up for emergency alerts such as NotifyLA
Section 5: Development of Materials
Contractor will work with EMD to develop a consistent look and graphic design that can
be used to produce all written materials associated with this contract such as printed
posters, brochures, guides, billboards, postcards, social media posts, and scripts for
visual marketing, content and production. Contractor shall provide a sample of how each
may look and provide EMD with editable versions to manipulate and use.
Materials shall be in English and Spanish and shall include media formats accessible to
individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs (for example,
large print and Braille.) See Section 6: Translation Materials for more information.
Section 6: Translation Materials
All materials shall be translated into English and Spanish.
A select set of materials will be developed and produced in large print and Braille for the
visually impaired. EMD and the Contractor will discuss which items will be best to do so
based on research provided by the Contractor and then EMD will decide.
Provide translations for media in English and Spanish.
Section 7: Development of Podcast Curriculum
Following the completion of the development of tsunami related signage, the Contractor
will develop a Podcast curriculum and format for 10 episodes and a schedule for EMD to
implement after the completion of the contract in order to further develop and increase
tsunami preparedness awareness. The curriculum should be developed based on
research on the aforementioned topics and concerns, and should relate to a generalized
audience within the Greater Los Angeles area. The podcast will be facilitated by EMD
with the integration of subject matter experts, community leaders and government officials
to discuss this public education campaign.
Section 8: Media Production
Contractor will execute a family focused, multiple month, multimedia disaster
preparedness marketing and outreach plan (including traditional and innovative modern
forms of media) throughout the City of Los Angeles that will serve to inform and educate
individuals, including youth, families, seniors, and persons with disabilities and others with
access and functional needs.
The readiness message must include the registration for emergency alerts through
NotifyLA (the City’s Mass Notification System), the preparation of emergency supply kits,
developing a household and commuter disaster plan and communications plan using the
Ready Your Los Angeles Neighborhood (RYLAN) program, and understanding how to
prepare for and respond to a tsunami. Once the plan is approved by EMD, the Contractor
shall produce content and then secure advertising space.
The Contractor shall ensure the completion of the following:
● Produce all media and marketing content.
● Work with EMD to select and secure an influential Angeleno to serve as the spokesperson for the campaign and be used in visual media ads.
● Use the related research to create content that resonates with the communities of San Pedro Harbor, Mar Vista and Venice.
● Employ the use of marketing impacts and tactics to refine and optimize the strategies that inform subsequent efforts such as the podcast and long-term tsunami awareness.
● Work with the City’s Information Technology Agency (ITA) to ensure that all electronic material and content is compatible with the City’s current website platform/operating system(s).
● Include “alt text” copy for all graphics created and published on behalf of the City of Los Angeles. Section 9: Media Placement Contractor shall perform the following work:
● Secure and execute printed media placement(s) and work with EMD to determine the best use of media in the coastal areas that will be geared to reaching the greatest number of stakeholders such as news media or newsstand placement(s), visual media placement(s), radio placement(s), social media placement(s), online content provider ad placement(s), bus and rail bench ad placement(s), bus and rail shelter placement(s), interior or exterior bus and rail ad placement(s), digital billboard placement(s), television public service announcement(s), and any free placements that may be available such as business windows in the affected areas.
● Distribute printed materials in select areas based on discussion with the EMD Project Manager.
● Provide a summary of the type of advertisement, number of placements, location, name of venue or media outlet, area of the City, date, and time placed, aired or distributed.
● Track engagement across the websites, social media platforms, and other digital properties the campaign is hosted on.
● Facilitate the increase of registrations to NotifyLA.
● Direct stakeholders to a secondary EMD site called ReadyLA.org.
● Direct stakeholders to a tertiary EMD site called Ready Your Los Angeles Neighborhood (RYLAN) to learn about and register for RYLAN. ● Provide metrics in a final report for number of registrants to NotifyLA, ReadyLA and RYLAN.