Miami County Seeks Website Design Development and Strategic Marketing

Miami County is located north of Montgomery County in the Greater Dayton Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). County population is 102,506 (2010 census) and trending upward, with low unemployment and a high level of economic diversity across all industry and market sectors. The three main cities of Tipp City, Troy (county seat), and Piqua each have active, effective, and progressive economic development departments. The County is an active stakeholder and partner in the Dayton Development Coalition (DDC) and the Business First retention and expansion program. Miami County is also a partner in the West Central Ohio Development Coalition (WCODC) for regional talent attraction and workforce development.

They have issued an RFP seeking qualified design, development, and marketing professionals to create and construct a new DOD website, and to provide marketing/PR strategic planning and implementation for economic development purposes, to include workforce development and talent attraction.


Scope of Work:

  1. Four Main Website Design, Development, and Marketing/PR Goals
  2. Cohesive, seamless, unified presence of different divisions within the DOD: Economic Development, Planning/Zoning, Community Development, Building Regulations. Special emphasis on a comprehensive Economic Development platform from which to launch a variety of targeted and other campaigns, outreach, and market sectors.
  3. Better resource for Economic Development: Interactivity, mapping, demographics, videos, links, stakeholder portals/outlets, workforce development, talent attraction, experience (ie. Virtual Reality for site selection and talent attraction)
  4. Collaboration/Partnerships: Unified messaging/presence with county cities, villages,

townships, chambers, park districts, other civic/governmental entities.

  1. Workforce Development and employer/workforce interaction: Position postings, resume uploads, employer profiles, searchable jobs database, interactive, user friendly, and accessible.

Due Date:

September 28, 2017


Board of Miami County Commissioners
Miami County Safety Building
201 W. Main Street
Troy, OH 45373

PR firms with city experience include APCO Worldwide and Burson-Marsteller.

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