Micro – influencer marketing


There are different ways to define micro-influencers. They have followers between 10,000 – 100,000, have a loyal fanbase, and can generate a high rate of engagement. Micro-influencer marketing is turning out to be more successful than celebrity influencer campaigns. The main reason for this could be that people are more willing to trust the opinions of people they feel they know rather than the opinions of people who are paid to do product promotions. A smaller audience means that there is more interaction with micro-influencers, and that is beneficial for marketing. Given below are a range of benefits that  micro-influencers can bring to  brands.

Audience connection

Although micro-influencers have a smaller reach compared to other influencers, they are more effective in reaching a relevant audience. They can monitor comments and interact with people. Their level of engagement is a benefit for ecommerce companies who partner with them. They do not appear as unreachable and distant to their audience. Their followers treat them like a friend that they can trust. This can work in another way, where followers buy a product just to be able to connect with a particularly popular micro-influencer.


Micro-influencers are more affordable than  celebrity influencers. Since they are more affordable, it is possible to work with more than one to reach different buyer personas within a target audience. This can help grow a company’s potential customer base.Hence, micro-influencers provide a better return on investment.

Superior quality content

With their content, micro-influencers have a better ability to communicate and drive engagement. Their content is normally fresh, on-brand and creative. When a brand works with more than one micro-influencer on one campaign, a variety of content is generated. If the aesthetics of their content is a good fit for a brand, this can be beneficial. There are different types of aesthetics that micro-influencers use; they can be neutral, bright, uplifting or dark, for instance. It is important to choose an aesthetic that can deliver the message a brand wants to convey.

Better for ecommerce niches

It is easier to find a micro-influencer whose followers reflect the target audience of a brand. They could belong to a specific age-group, or they might have an interest in common. For instance, a beauty blogger will have followers who are interested in makeup and skincare.  Such a micro-influencer will be able to coax their followers into buying a product. Most brands resort to microsegmentation when they want to reach new target markets. For example, a skin care brand can micro-segment their target market to women between 25 and 40, who live in the east coast and are fitness enthusiasts. With the help of a micro-influencer it is easier for brands to gain access to their target audiences. Sephora has implemented this audience segmentation strategy with successful results.

They are perceived to be authentic

Micro-influencers enjoy the trust of their followers. They are portrayed as individuals who do what they are passionate about.Their natural affinity for certain products and services transforms them into hallmarks of authenticity. For instance, BruMate, a drinkware brand, works with Nicki Bigger, a micro-influencer and  photographer who posts quality product photos. The beautiful photos used for the product’s marketing also makes BruMate appear as an outdoorsy lifestyle brand.

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