Mid-Shore Regional Marketing Plan Sought

Mid-Shore Regional Marketing Plan Sought


The economic development offices for Caroline County, Dorchester County, and Talbot County, in cooperation with the Mid-Shore Regional Council, seek the services of an experienced marketing and content creation consulting firm to develop a comprehensive marketing plan and brand for a Mid-Shore regional marketing initiative. The goal of this marketing plan is to showcase opportunities for economic prosperity with a relaxed Chesapeake lifestyle in the tri-county region by designing a creative website featuring aggregated economic data and information, developing a content strategy to publish work highlighting the opportunities here in the Mid- Shore, and designing an easily recognizable brand.


The Mid-Shore Regional Marketing Plan will support a regional identity by serving as a platform to aggregate regional economic data and information, targeted to a business attraction audience. Furthermore, the plan will articulate how to leverage the Mid-Shore area’s competitive advantages for attracting and retaining a quality workforce. The creative content will focus on the region’s assets to raise awareness and promote the Mid-Shore as a livable, viable, and prosperous area. This Request for Proposal is specifically related to the initial phase of a multiple phase project to develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive marketing plan. The consulting firm will evaluate and expand on the ideas of the intended audience attributes listed below to develop a content creation strategy and distribution method. Furthermore, the firm will identify assets and make recommendations for a brand identity.

Intended audience attributes:

• The Creative Class
• Educated
• Experienced workers
• Innovative
• Individuals with disposable income
• Entrepreneurs
• Individuals wanting to retire here but who will remain in workforce for next 5 to 15 years
• Outdoor Enthusiasts
• Knowledge workers (Engineers, Scientists, Accountants, and others)

Identified assets:

• Low crime
• Easy commute
• Urban amenities, easy lifestyle
• Proximity to Washington D.C., Annapolis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Salisbury
• Proximity to beaches
• Low average housing costs
• Waterfront housing
• Friendly and caring community
• Healthy kids
• Quality childcare
• Nice, safe place to retire
• Access to various health provider networks
• Public and private schools
• Libraries
• Ability to be near extended family
• Job opportunities for next generations
• Opportunities for volunteering and philanthropy
Career advancement
• Miles of shoreline
• Recreational opportunities

Scope of Work:

The Scope of Work includes the development of a comprehensive marketing plan that highlights identified assets from the Mid-Shore and articulates a content strategy to raise awareness of economic opportunities for both residents and prospective residents. Content needs to also reflect the Mid-Shore’s desire to attract job seekers from the Mid-Shore, Baltimore-Washington, D.C. corridor, and nationwide.

Tasks that will be required by the consultant include:

• Attend six (6) local meetings, including some with stakeholders, to develop brand identity and marketing plan.
• Provide comprehensive definition of marketing audience.
• Provide comprehensive list of region’s asset as it pertains to attraction and retention of quality workforce.
• Develop creative content strategy that aggregates relevant information from Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot counties.
• Develop Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy for ensuring high web and social media traffic.
• Identify the most appropriate ways to communicate the aggregated information to the targeted audiences and via specific technologies and media.
• Create a common visual graphic identity and recommend design and color scheme for the marketing campaign.
• Evaluate and recommend a range of technologies such as web site, smart phone app, etc. to assist interpretive delivery.
• Identify priorities for implementation of each interpretive element.
• Develop a brand (name, logo, theme, and tagline) that effectively communicates the Mid- Shore Region as a place to work and live.

Due Date:

April 23rd, 2018


Mid-Shore Regional Council
8737 Brooks Drive #101
Easton, MD 21601

Strong travel PR firms include Hunter PR and Coyne PR.

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